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It was all set up, all perfect.
I had placed requests with the kitchen staff for all my favorite confections, I had asked a passing group of maids to help me chose blankets and candles and pillows to lay on the lawn, I had asked the head gardener to help me pick the daintiest flowers in the color that matched his— his ice blue eyes.

I paced, the grass already giving way to dirt under where my foot pivoted to walk the other way. It was past midnight, only by several minutes but it was past. I was holding onto hope still, that he'd show up. Surely they wouldn't have him working at this late hour. When planning and preparing for the festivities had begun I had ordered that everyone work in half days, so that they may rest, celebrate as I was supposed to be. So he, shouldn't be held up by that. Maybe he was hurt or ill.

I turned again on the lawn.

Maybe he just didn't like me, didn't want to meet me. He had hid from me after all. But that was stupid and self centered to think that way, he had been working, it wasn't about his like or dislike for me. Hopefully. Right?

My head snapped around at the soft clearing of a throat behind me. My breath was stolen at that moment, it took my heart with it.

He looked goddess sent in the moonlight. His hair shone bright as the moons face, like spun starlight, and his pale skin looked like it was dusted in powdered pearl. He had on a simple cloak, covering most of his form, draping off his shoulders and down his chest in waves but left his arms free through slits in the sides. He looked royal in it, I couldn't keep myself from imagining us standing side by side in a painting like my mother's, matching crowns on our heads.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He whispered, cheeks rosy in the cool evening air.


His eyes snapped up from the ground. "What?"

"Pardon, it's just— you're absolutely beautiful, it's taking my words away from me." I said.

He looked down again, blushing profusely. "Lord Grimm, you're too kind."

My heart sank a little. He was still insisting on titles.

"Your cousin was very kind in helping me prepare for tonight."

"I'll be sure to thank her on both our behalf's." I said, and I meant it. She had maybe only given him access to her expensive soaps, and lent him one of her cloaks but he looked like an angel freed from heaven.
I shook my head, remembering myself.
"Pardon me, I'm afraid my mind is distracted. I've brought food, or I had a cook help me, and some maids help with the blankets, and the gardener with the flowers." I sighed, feeling embarrassed by my entourage of helpers. "I really didn't do much."

He stepped slowly closer, almost like he was working very hard to stay balanced. "It's too much, really you shouldn't have waisted all the energy on me."

"Nothings waisted on you. I— I want you to have it all." Crown and kingdom and all the gold and treasure it holds. I was toeing a line, but it wasn't like I had made my affections subtle either.

I knew he stepped past me so I couldn't see him blush, or I hoped it was that and not to hide rejection from me.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asked. And his voice was so soft I melted.

And then realized I was just standing, dazed. "Yes, please. I was hoping we could sit, and— and talk." I could feel my own blush work it's way up my neck and cheeks.

"Talk?" He almost said it like a statement.

I followed him onto the furs, sitting myself slowly, before he did so he could choose how close he wanted to sit. "Why else would you have come?"

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