important: name change

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firstly I'm sorry for this in a way??? because this is probably very fussy but I associate all kinds of bad connotations to my name and really I'd rather separate it from wattpad,,,

so hopefully, if no one here don't mind I'd like to go by Laurence now?
nicknames welcome :3

( it's a name that feels more right and much nicer than my current, or do I call it ex now?, name )

so yeah, I'll just leave this here and maybe ???? go sleep because it's nearly 11pm and I'm kinda embarrassed and a tincy lil bit ashamed but I'll regret this if I don't so er good day my lads

( I don't mind if you still call me parker though, if someone I knew here just suddenly changed their names it would surprise me too! )

in conclusion i love you all, everyone here is super supportive and it makes me happy to get some love from somewhere ❤︎

p.s. publishing this felt like ripping off my bandaids lmao

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