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"Why is it so rainy outside? In a middle of summer, really?" Taehyung hissed in a exasperated manner, drawing out on the window and watched the pouring rain outside.

Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's frustration. "Blame it on Jin and Jimin. They were watching some..." he paused and gestured a quote sign in the air as he continued, "'Korean Drama' whatever that is."

Taehyung swung his head automatically to the latter's direction. "And? How does it connect to this rain?" he questioned monotonously.

The Soul Guardian shrugged at his question. "They were so caught up to that 'drama' that it made them cry like a lovesick human teenager."

"Just because of a drama?" Jungkook nodded. "Ridiculous!"

Jungkook laughed again at his commentary but shrugged it off as he get his bucket hat. "Oh well. Gotta go! I have some souls to replenish!"

And with that, the guardian stormed off from the house, leaving Taehyung on the side.

Taehyung heaved a sigh. He was thinking about what Jungkook had said, about 'Korean Drama.' It was his first time hearing it. Was it really that emotional that it moved Jin's and Jimin's heart? Besides, he doesn't even understand what's a drama to begin with. Except for Jin and Jimin as they always be the trend follower of the young generation amongst all the guardians.

Determined, the fire guardian sprung up his feet and moved towards the room of the two latter. And there he found the two who was undeniably crying upon gazing up on something Taehyung couldn't explain what was it.

Taehyung asked. "What's that?"

The water guardian looked up on him with wet tears on his cheeks, dripping from his eyes. "A-A korean drama, Tae..." he answered back with a cracked voice.

"I know. But what I'm trying to ask is what is this 'korean drama' thingy, whatever that was..."

"Oh..." It was Jimin who spoke. "It's a television series in Korean Language, which is also made from South Korea. Trust me, it's so nice..."

"Yeah! You will never regret it," Jin agreed.

Taehyung stared at them blankly. "I'd rather watch anime than that," he remarked in a very low voice but still audible to the three of them. "Anyway, would you mind trying to control your emotions? Your crying makes the weather wild. It's currupting summer!" Taehyung wailed.

The two guardians looked at each other then back to Taehyung. "We didn't do anything," they defended.

"Oh Merciful Gods, stop denying it! Jungkook told me you're the ones causing this," Taehyung insited.

Jimin shook his head as he looked at Taehyung, trying to connect with him. "We really didn't do anything!" he repeated what he said 10 seconds ago.

"Then what caused this?"

"You didn't know? There has been a conflict in the Gods' and Goddesses' dimension. Our God Zeus was the one causing it to rain and as guardians, our powers are incomparable to his!" Jin explained bit by bit, making Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Conflict? I didn't hear anything about this," Taehyung whispered.

The Wind Guardian cleared his throat and said, "Yes. His son, God of Fire, Hephaestus was trying to rebel him on something. Well you already know the story between him, Goddess Aphrodite and God Ares right? The conflict was connected to that..."

Taehyung exhaled in relief, sitting down on the couch. "That's a relief! I thought the conflict was all about the Fire and its related entities..."

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