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Days had passed by. Y/N could be found on her little house as she carefully picked out the dried leaves on the vegetables. It was 10AM in the morning and Y/N's mother and herself were preparing for their lunch. Her mother was planning to make some hot soup with fresh and healthy vegetables in it. It was one of Y/N's favorite dish by her mother and she thought that her mother was the best cook in the entire existence. Adding the lively and virginal atmosphere seen from their kitchen, it literally screamed a relaxing perfection in which they could enjoy eating the delicious meal prepared before them.

As she enjoyed the fresh breeze from the outside and carefully picking out the dried leaves, she was thinking of something. She was wondering. She was wondering if what would the villagers' reaction if they discovered she was secretly seeing their King. Nobody was reportedly going out with him before. Truth that had been proven that only the Villagers' leader had the guts to approach him. No one dared to approach him in person unless he's the first one to do so.

"Ma?" she called out.

Her mother hummed.

"What if a fire nymph is dating King Taehyung, what can you say about it?" Y/N questioned.

Her mother stopped from stirring on the pot and thought hard about that question. "Hmm... That's nonsense! And... absurd. He is our king. We hail him. I'm certain that everyone would be disgusted if that happens. Why?"

"Uhm... well, nothing!"

Her mother shrugged then faced her pot and add some ingredients into it. Y/N, otherwise, continued what she was doing but thoughts were bugging her uncontrollably.

"What if I'm seeing him secretly... what will you do-" But before she could finish her sentence, a slipper almost hit across her face. Thankfully, she immediately avoided herself as an automatic instinct. "What was that?"

"You're being too ambitious, Y/N. You're not even part of a prominent family. And yes, some teen nymphs are wishing to be with him but that will never happen. They knew it themselves," she started scolding her daughter.

Y/N couldn't help herself to purse her lips. "But still, I'm not the only one wishing..."

"Oh. Don't start with me young lady. You are just a mere nymph. Compared to him, you're just like a toenail."

"But but-"

"No buts Y/N. I'll pretend I didn't heard that. Now, go get my slipper," she said before turning around and continued cooking.

Y/N was left with no other choice but to get her slipper. Her mother's answer was a bit of a problem though but its quite true. If her mother unveiled the truth about their secret meeting, there's a huge possibility that her family would disown her, basing from her mother's reaction earlier.

"Y/N. Pass that cabbage. I'll add it," Her mother spoke, cutting her thoughts.

Y/N immediately passed the reddish cabbage over to her. She then sat, staring into space as she unknowingly fiddled her fingers. She sighed in defeat, not knowing what to do. But she will do her best to hide it. She knew sooner or later, her family would find out but now's not the right time.


Y/N was on her usual spot. On the biggest rock found down on the scorching magmatic lava falls. Y/N was enjoying the scenery, feeling the hot breeze from the falls, closing her eyes as she inhaled the air while humming a familiar song. Through her silence, thoughts flooded her mind like surging waves.

"You're on that rock again."

Y/N could never forget that voice. It came from his beloved. Nevertheless, she didn't admitted it yet. She was scared. Who knows what he felt for her in return? She'd preferably keep it to herself and suffer in silence rather than confessing it and get rejected afterwards.

"Tae..." She called him softly, opening her eyes and showed a captivating sweet smile. "You're here..."

"Again." Taehyung laughed. "That's okay. They won't find me anyway."

Y/N only replied nothing as she looked down while smiling in defeat. Taehyung noticed her silence and was later worried about her.

"What's wrong?" He asked Y/N with pure solicitude on his voice.

The Fire Nymph turned her gaze at him, staring at him deeply, and said, "Tae. This is wrong. We shouldn't be seeing each other."

Taehyung's worried face turned into a blank one. "Why?" There was a hint of grim on his tone.

"I'm just a mere nymph Tae. Nothing is special about me. And you, seeing me in secret is really bizarre in the entire history of this village. If they find out about us, it would cause great chaos here I'm telling you."

The latter still stared at her with his famous blank face. No signs of emotions could be seen. He said, "What? Me, seeing you, bringing you outside this village, going out with me with my work, you think you're not any special? Yes. This situation between us is indeed a strange phenomenon," he paused. "But who cares? You said, I'm your king, your creator-"

"But Tae-"

"...and my age is infinite. And I allowed you to be with me. What they think doesn't matter and shouldn't matter to you. You're my fire nymph. You belong to me. So I'll let you decide. Who do you think you would listen, Y/N? Me or them?"

"You, of course. But-"

Y/N's words was cut again. "See? You shouldn't worry too much. I'm right beside you. I will protect you no matter what. I would even give up my role as a guardian to be with you..."

"Okay. You really shouldn't do that."

Taehyung laughed and ruffled her hair. "Trust me, Y/N."

Y/N looked at him deeply then sighed in defeat. "I trust you, okay? It just that, I'm worried. And my family doesn't support me to be with you."

"Doesn't support?" Taehyung questioned, confused on her sentence.

Y/N nodded. "I was almost hit by a slipper across my face when I ask her what if I'm seeing you in secret. I know she'd totally disown me if she knows..." she explained much more in detail which it effectively ease the confusion.

"What kind of parents is that? They will support you but they can't accept it just yet when time comes. Shock will overwhelm them. But later on, they will learn how to accept it and just support you and your happiness."

"Hmm..." Y/N hummed as she nodded slowly, agreeing to what he said. "I think that's right..."

There was huge silence after that. But Taehyung broke that silence when he petted Y/N's head like a dog.

"Come. I'll go to somewhere else and I'm certain you would love it..."

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