Chapter 1

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"(Y/N) you're gonna have to go home eventually don't you have to work at the bar today?" My boss, Marigold asked me. I was sitting in one of the tables out in lobby with my head face down on the table while she sat across from me. 

"No I'm off today." I said she sighed and rubbed my back. 

"Hun you have to go home I gotta close up shop, I'm sure those boys don't even remember what happened this morning." She said still rubbing my back. Marigold was my boss at the coffee bar, well she treated me more like I was her daughter, rather than an employee which is nice because I get to take home free pastries when my shift ends. She'd always cheer me up whenever I'm in a mood just like she helped me out when I broke up with my ex. She was the sweetest lady I've ever met, plus I love it when she calls me 'hun' or 'baby' it always melts my frozen heart. 

"they probably think I'm gonna be the weird neighbor and they're gonna try an avoid me and they'll try not to make eye contact with me when we get the mail, it's gonna be so awkward." I whined she sighed and lifted my head up. 

 "Why don't you bring those boys something It's on the house." Marigold said I smiled and reached over wrapping her in a tight hug. 

"You're the best." I said she smiled and took my hand.

"Come on lets make them boys a fresh batch of Marigolds famous blueberry muffins!" I  giggled and followed her into the kitchen. 

-Time skip-

I'm standing in front of the door of the brothers apartment holding a box of the muffins, I was contemplating whether to knock on the door or run back to my apartment and eat these muffins myself. I shook my head at the thought and took a few deep breaths, I shakily raise my fist and softly knock on the door. I heard a muffled 'coming' and some feet shuffling until it reached the door, no turning back now. The door opened revealing a boy with dark brown hair, soft pale skin that was decorated with 3 cute moles on his face, two under his left eye and one under his mouth, he had these beautifully colored teal eyes, and he wore glasses. I gripped the box slightly, my heart was doing jumping jacks in my chest. This boy was really really cute.

"H-Hello I saw th-that you guys moved into the apartment n-next to me, so I-I thought I'd bring some freshly b-baked muffins from the coffee shop I work at a-as a welcome g-gift." I manged to stutter out he smiled, fuck that's a cute smile. 

"Thank you that means a lot, me and my brother aren't from here so it's nice to meet some friendly people." He said grabbing the muffins out of my hands. I smiled and blushed slightly 

"Oh don't mention it, where are you guys from? I-If you don't mind me asking of course."  I asked 

"I don't mind and we're from Japan." He said 

"That's really cool, so what do you guys think of US so far?" I asked I started getting a little bit more comfortable which is weird because I don't normally get comfortable around strangers that quick. 

"so far fine Chicago is quite a big city, I love the architecture of some of the buildings my brother seems fond of the food here so not too bad." He chuckled I giggled. 

"Who's at the door?!" I heard another person shout he sighed. 

"That's my brother he probably just woke up from his nap." the boy said. 

"Hey would you like to come in and talk a little bit more? I made some tea." He asked I smiled and nodded 

"Th-that sounds really great, I'd l-love too." I said he stepped aside and opened the door wider. 

Neighbors (Rin x Reader x Yukio)Where stories live. Discover now