Chapter 7

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Me, Ava, and the twins decided we go to a flea market to find furniture for the boys, since there was a possibility we might get some furniture at a cheaper price. We were walking around outside viewing all the stands, I shivered when the cool air went by so I hugged myself to stay warm. I looked over at Rin who just wore a hoodie making me feel like such a wimp. 

"How are you not cold?" I asked. 

"Easy I don't get cold." Rin said I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

"What the hell are you talking about everyone gets cold." I said Rin shrugged his shoulders 

"Maybe I'm an exception." Rin said I shivered again when the cold breeze came back again. 

"You know what I don't care I'm gonna move closer to you." I said I walked a little closer to Rin our shoulders touching I felt the warmth radiating off of him, it wasn't much but at least it was something. I heard Rin chuckle. 

"You're so weird." He said I blushed softly and looked away. 

"In a good way of course." Rin said as he ruffled my hair, I pouted and fixed my hair. I looked over at Ava who was slightly a head of us but not too far, she had this smug look on her face as her eyes darted at Rin then me as she wiggled her eyebrows, this didn't help the blush that was currently on my face as it grew more. 

"So what're we looking for first?" Ava asked. 

"Well me and Rin decided we are gonna start small, so right now we need some things for the kitchen along with stuff for our bedroom." Yukio said. 

"Cool I know a couple of stands where they might sell stuff like that." Ava said. 

"Are they inside the flea market cause that would be great." I said Ava giggled. 

"Don't worry your cold little butt girly it is inside." Ava said I sighed in relief when we walked inside. It was pretty huge inside, it was crowed with so many stands selling different things along with people walking around interested in these trinkets. I never really went to the flea market, to go even a step further I rarely ever went out. I would just leave my apartment to go to work or go grocery shopping, if I ever had free time I'd always stay at home starting or finishing up commissions, sometimes catching up on some random series on Netflix. Despite me living in Chicago for like almost couple of years now, I'm not familiar with a lot of places, I don't know all the good places to eat, I don't know all the good tourist spots, and I barely understand the bus schedule don't even get me started on the train routes. 

"Oh hey let's check out this cute little stand." Ava said I looked over and saw an elderly lady sitting by the stand, the stand had various ceramic plates, mugs, along with some other kitchen stuff. We walked over and looked at all the items that were on display. 

"Hello is there anything in particular that you maybe looking for?" The women asked she slowly got up from her seat and walked over to us. 

 "Yeah my brother and I just moved here, we're looking for plates and other utensils for our kitchen." Yukio said. 

"Ah where are you guys from?" The women asked. 

"Japan." Rin simply said. 

"How lovely, I've been there a couple of times such a beautiful place." The lady said. 

"Well don't be shy look around." She smiled we did as we were told and looked at all the items that were set up, while I was looking around I came across a ceramic plate that was shaped and painted like a piece of toast. I giggled and picked up the plate. 

"Oh my gosh, it's a plate shaped like a piece of toast!" I said holding up the plate Rin laughed and took the plate out of my hands. 

"That's funny, Yukio we should totally get this!" Rin exclaimed Yukio sighed rubbed the bridge of his nose. 

Neighbors (Rin x Reader x Yukio)Where stories live. Discover now