Chapter 3

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It was 2:00 clock meaning it was almost closing time, I was sweeping lobby up and picking up some of the trash left behind from the customers until the phone rang in my pocket. I looked up at Marigold. 

"Can I take this?" I asked Marigold she nodded

"Just don't be on the phone too long." Marigold said I pulled the phone out of my pocket I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Oliver. I slid my thumb to the right to accept the call. 

"What's up Oli?" I asked 

"Hey! (Y/N) I wanted to call and let you know Samantha is gonna take over your shift tonight as a thanks for covering for her last night." Oliver said. 

"Oh that's sweet tell her I said thank you, do you still want those muffins though?" I asked. 

"Absolutely! Bring those babes in ASAP!" He said I giggled. 

"Alright I'll be there around 5:30 with the muffins, I gotta go though see you then." I said I hung up and stuffed the phone in my pocket. I finished up sweeping the lobby and picking up the trash I put away the broom and dust pan in the back. My phone started ringing again I took my phone out of my pocket it and looked at the caller ID, I didn't recognize so I answered it. 

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked 

"(Y/N)! It's me Dy-" I immediately hung up recognizing the voice of that caller, he just doesn't know when to give up. I sighed and blocked the number stuffing my phone back into my pocket. I made my way behind the counter where Alfred and Marigold were. 

"Where were you? It's your turn to clean the espresso machine." Alfred said I rolled my eyes. 

"And what're you gonna do princess?" I asked my arms crossed under my chest. 

"Uh watch over the store for the cute guy you brought." He said. 

"Did you not hear him he said he's focusing on his studies at the moment." I said. 

"Yeah 'at the moment' that means he's looking." He said I laughed and shook my head. 

"Or it means dating isn't his first priority at the moment." I said Alfred rolled his eyes and scoffed. 

"What do you know? You haven't dated anyone ever since you dumped that cheating scum bag." Alfred said. 

"You two stop it and get to work, I don't wanna hear another word about that boy treating my baby girl like that, who does he think he is?"  Marigold said pulling me into a hug I looked over and stuck my tongue out at Alfred flipping him off in the process. Alfred rolled his and leaned against the table Marigold let go of you and put her hands on her hips. 

"And you aren't gonna stand around waiting on that cute boy, you got bathrooms to clean." Marigold said Alfred grimaced. 

"Ugh why do I have to do the bathrooms?!" Alfred asked Marigold playfully smirked. 

"Because you said it was (Y/N)'s turn to clean the espresso machine." Marigold said Alfred sighed Marigold bent down reaching for the cleaning products under the counter standing back up and handing them to Alfred. 

"Come on! those toilets aren't gonna clean themselves." Marigold said Alfred took the items and walked around the both of us making his way to the bathroom. I snickered until Marigold turned to me and raised her eyebrow at me. 

"You too missy, that espresso machine isn't gonna clean itself." She said I nodded. 

"Yes ma'am." I said turning to the machine pulling out the items to clean it up, I heard the bell rang which meant it was a customer. 

Neighbors (Rin x Reader x Yukio)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz