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"i still can't believe you almost cried," stella chuckled, teasing the boy about his overwhelming emotion felt towards the film they had watched just moments before leaving the house to go on a walk.

the pair walked hand in hand, almost as if their hands had been perfectly crafted to hold one and other.

"in my defence, i was expecting them to end up together," harvey defended, his face covered in sheer embarrassment.

"well harvey, not everything has a happy ending."

harvey smiled, "we will."

stella felt her heart skip a beat.
"you really think so?" she asked, her tone soft.

"i know so," harvey replied, "stella i haven't felt this strongly towards anyone before."

stella was shocked. upon first speaking to the boy she had imagined him as being 'that' guy. the type of guy to sleep with girls for fun and then act like they don't exist. the type of guy that only cared for himself and no one else. the type of guy that would tease her as school. however, her perception had changed immensely. the harvey she now knew was thoughtful, heartfelt, the perfect guy on paper. she didn't understand exactly what he saw in her but she was glad she had him. she needed him.

"does that mean winter wedding after all?" stella exclaimed in excitement, thinking back to previous text conversations the pair had had pre-love.

"see now we're in conflict, i want a july wedding," harvey replied. he was teasing the girl, he had actually always pictured a winter wedding himself, but teasing her was just too much fun.

"harvey! no! don't ruin the plans now," she complained, shaking the boys hand as she kept grip.

"but a july wedding would be so much fun! imagine the sun for example!"

"but we'd get all sweaty in our clothes and that's gross. do you want to be sweaty?" stella argued.

harvey laughed, "get cooler clothes."

"but harveyy! a winter wedding would be like a fairytale, how perfect does that sound!"

"anything with you sounds perfect," harvey replied.

he stopped walking and turned to face stella, taking both of her hands in his. he gazed into the eyes of his girlfriend and smiled.

"you're cute," stella said, smiling up at the boy.

harvey didn't hesitate to connect their lips. he knew if he didn't he would regret it whilst driving home once they returned back to stella's, returning to the texts and lack of face to face conversation. yes, they were stood in the middle of the street, exposed for anyone to see, but that didn't matter to him. all that mattered in this very moment was having her lips moving against his.

harvey felt stella's body loosen into him as she placed her hands on his shoulders. unexpectedly, his hand drifted to her hip, settling there and proceeding to pull her closer. stella inhaled sharply. she found herself against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. she listened as his breathing quickened along with hers.

he began nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses; so faint, they were whispers. stella's heart fluttered inside her chest. at first, it was a delicate butterfly of a kiss - then his arms encircled her. when he kissed her her brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout her entire body, a feeling she would certainly miss when they had to part yet again.

the pair had developed a craving for the feeling of kissing one and other. whenever they kissed it was like nothing else mattered, the whole world around them fell away, leaving them as the only two people on earth. it was an addiction, and one they both craved when apart.


the tears came like an uproar in the back of stella's throat as they arrived back to her house under the raw twilight. they had been walking for longer than anticipated and it was time for harvey to leave, a time both of them had been dreading ever since he kissed her at her door step that morning.

harvey swiped his thumb across her cheek, wiping her tears away as he held his in.
"don't cry, beautiful," harvey said, pulling stella into an embrace.

"i just don't want to say goodbye again," she sobbed, tightening her grip around the boy.

"then don't," harvey said, "let's say see you later, because we will. this isn't goodbye forever, okay? we will see each other again very soon, " he assured her.

stella smiled as they pulled apart, "i love you so much, you know."

harvey smiled, "and i love you."

he placed a final kiss onto stella's forehead and then opened his car door, climbing in. stella watched him as he did so, her eyes filled with tears and sorrow.

harvey plugged the keys into the ignition and then turned to look at his sobbing girlfriend through the window. seeing her so upset made his heart ache. he so wished they could spend every breathing second together but he also knew that was unlikely. still, he hated seeing her sad.

he climbed back out of the car and ran up to her, connecting their lips in a sudden burst of passion. it was a short kiss, yet one that held so much meaning. it was the last one for a while and they both knew it.

the pair pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other's.

"see you later," harvey whispered, raising his pinky finger up between the gap parting their chests.

stella chuckled and linked her finger with his, "see you later, dummy."

it was a promise; a pinky-promise.

harvey smiled before having to climb back into his car. he began to drive away, keeping his focus on his girlfriend through the wing mirror.

till next time.

i'm writing so much fluff at the moment omg sorry LOL. drama soon, ok? ok.
let me know whatcha thinkkk😛😛- amelia x

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