Part One

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"Careful or I shoot!"


Cold sweated hands clasp around the gun left next to the bed out of an urge of fear and desperation. Once his vision cleared he saw the familiar emptiness of the room, the boy leaned back down into the comforting covers of the bed as small pants of relief left his parted lips.

My name is Jimin


The cramped TV screen begins to play, headlining 'Suspect in area unknown'

This was me


And this, the love of my life

The last time I saw him, I left him in a river of blood

With his eyes open

The boy moves his body away from the illuminating screen, a sudden yield of anguish overcoming his facial features.

We did 15 clean robberies

But mixing love and  your job together never worked

So when the security guard took his shot, I had to change profession

From a thief, to a murderer

And that's how I began to run

In some form, I was also dead

The boy shoots out of the bed, grabbing his luggage.

Or almost, dead

He glances at the mirror, his overgrown curls sitting limp over his eyes. He grabs a cap to cover his face and leaves.

I spent 11 days hiding

And my photo papered, in every police station of all of Spain

With hands buried deep in the pockets of his dark hoodie he begins to pass the streets, A tingling feeling of paranoia grazing past his back.

They would give me 30 years

And the truth is, I'm not ready to age in a prison cell

I'm better than giving up

In my body and soul

And if I can't bring my body, at least my soul will escape

The floating rise of a balloon catches the boys attention. It passes over the lean figure of a fence.

The tone of the phone begins to ring.

I had no time left and there were important things I needed to do

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