Chapter 2: Potions and Sand

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That night, Tara couldn't sleep. She twisted and turned on the concrete floor, her blanket starting to fall off her body. She sighed and murmured something in ancient Arabic.

'Too cold,' Tara grumbled to herself as she got up and looked around. Everyone was fast asleep.
Very quietly, Tara left her spot and slowly walked towards the window of the building. She was on the second floor.

'I have to figure out what that meant,' Tara murmured.

With that, she re-secured her bandages on her head, and she leapt out of the window and into the silent Robo City.

Tara dashed across the small city area. About a distance away from Four Squared, she could see Barley's second saloon, which have became a decoration to the battlegrounds ever since Gem Grab, Bounty and Heist started there. It was impossible for anyone to get their drinks if it was still the main saloon.

And since this second saloon was never used, Tara got Barley's permission to use it as a potion brewing area whenever the brawls were over. After all, Barley never really cared about that saloon anymore.

Tara dashed through the doors of the saloon. The neon lights that have been on since the morning were still glowing brightly. The counter was stacked with random crates that she had packed a few nights before.

'Barley's definitely going to use this saloon soon,' Tara mumbled to herself as she grabbed onto a few small crates and carried them out into the Gem Grab map. She repeated this a dozen times until she finally placed a cauldron down, which was the last thing she needed from this saloon.

'Time to get started,' Tara murmured as she conjured up a black hole, and sent herself and the items towards her house back in the town.


'Tara! Where are you?!' Shelly shouted loudly using a megaphone.

'I don't think she's in the city,' Colt mumbled. 'By the looks of her spot, it seemed like she didn't even sleep at all last night.'

Mortis was chatting with Gene for a while. He turned around.

'Gene has detected Tara's whereabouts,' Mortis announced. 'She's somewhere back in the town, and Gene said that she's in their house.'

'Abla ha ba ha la,' Gene mumbled. He summoned a smoke cloud and threw it into the air. It exploded and created a special flare.

'What was that for?' Colt asked.

'He's calling Tara,' Mortis answered. 'They have a special magical bond that has something to do with this specific flare.'

As if on cue, Tara appeared from a black hole underneath Gene's flare. Her face was still bandaged up, but the pink bandages were splattered with weird liquid, and the eye looked very, very tired.

'Ablu ja ba ha ah bla?' Gene babbled.

Tara eyed everyone tiredly. She knew that she probably had eye circles underneath her bandages, but she didn't bother to unmask herself.

'Yeah,' Tara answered, her voice coated heavily with sleepiness. 'Tried to work on potions again. Turns out I can't create even a normal dragon fire potion.'

Gene shook his head. 'Ha ha ta ha,' He murmured.

Tara smiled. 'Yeah,' She murmured. 'I'm pushing myself way too hard. Just gotta find a way to work it out......'

Tara limped towards the closest building, and she nearly fell into the Heist battleground.

'Something's definitely wrong with her,' Mortis muttered as Tara tumbled through the building's door and crashed right then and there.

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