Chapter 7: Memory of Death

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Sandy couldn't see anything. Everything was black. He can't hear anything either. He could only feel Tara's hand tightly grasped onto his, but otherwise he can't feel anything at all.

'Sister! What is going on?!' Sandy shouted.

'Trust me, Sandy,' Tara's voice sounded, but it wasn't all distorted and monster-like. Instead, it was clear and full of fear. 'You do not want me to say it immediately. The amnesia would only cause you to experience worse.'

Tara just didn't know what to actually tell him. She felt her bandages unraveling from her head, the pain starting to ache through her body once again. If it wasn't for Sandy's aura, she would've been corrupted through this process. But of course the little boy didn't know about that.

'Close your eyes, Sandy,' Tara commanded. 'Unless you wanna experience an excruciatingly painful death that would ache through your body even after you respawn.'

Sandy was very sure that he did not want an excruciatingly painful death.

Tara felt a different surge of energy that swept through her body. The powerful energy of light. And death.

'We're here. You can open your eyes now.'

Sandy opened his eyes and didn't know how to process the scene that awaited him.

What was in front of them was just breathtaking and creepy. There was a town that had walls made of sandstone. In the streets were many people rushing about. They all wore tunics and turbans, and some of them were even riding horses or camels. Many stalls were set up in the sandy streets. Fruit stalls, carpet stalls, but one thing caught Sandy's attention the most: a purple coloured stall that had glowing charms in it.

It was all completely new to him, but Sandy felt like he'd been here before. In a bad way.

Tara started to fidget with her hair that had came loose. She doesn't know whether Darkron would take over her soul at the end of this or not. Hopefully, though, she'd be able to kill the two dangerous birds with one single stone.

'That, over there, is the start of our past adventure,' Tara muttered gravely. Ancient memories that were taken by the amnesia spell Gene had used on her were coming back to her all too quickly.

Judging by Tara's voice and expression, Sandy could tell that whatever happened in their past was not good at all.

'Won't we be seen by the people?' Sandy asked. Then, his expression was coated with fear. 'Would we be seen by ourselves?'

'No, silly,' Tara replied, though she herself started to fear something. She touched her scars once again. 'This is just a replay. A forgotten memory of ours.'

Tara knew that she'd surprised Sandy with the word ours.

'And why is that so?'

Tara decided to return to being mysterious. 'Just follow me.'

'That's the second time you said that phrase,' Sandy murmured. 'Hey! Wait for me, sis!'

Tara and Sandy ran through the town. Sandy gasped when he managed to pass through the people that got in his way as though he didn't exist.

'We are in a memory, remember?' Tara reminded him as though she'd just read his mind. 'We can be considered as souls now.'

'What about our real selves?'

'Well, I think our bodies had collapsed somewhere back in the Robo City. Ah, here we are.'

Tara's sentence had sounded graver by the second, but Sandy wasn't aware of it at all, for he just stared into the stall with awe and fear.

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