Promise 🥀

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He whimpered, silently, tears running down slowly on his face. This couldn't be true, it just couldn't. Harry closed his taunted green eyes, his whole body shaking with anger and something broke inside of him, again. He should be used to it, he knows this kind of pain, that lingering feeling which never end and will last until the end of time.

You promised,” He murmured, trying to touch Remus's cold face but his hand was shaking too hard, “You promised you would be here.”

I'm here cub, I will always be here, Remus's voice kept saying in his mind. His warm and soft voice. Remus wasn't anymore, he was nothing more than a cold body, laying down on the floor. Leaving behind him two sons who desperately needed him, one too young to understand, and one who get it, who knows what is gone, what he will miss, what he will never have.

Harry whimpered but didn't let go of Remus. Not yet.

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