| feelings |

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Does anyone have that sibling?

You know...That try to manipulate your every word that comes out of your mouth?

You know that sibling that says they love you but then asks you to do something for them,

But they don't think to do anything in return. Because they think they don't need to.

And if you decline, they make you feel so bad about yourself.

They tease you.

Mock you.

And when you try to tease them jokingly, they take it seriously.

Even though you didn't mean it.

They blame everything on everyone else, even though they're the one that did it.

And you can't do anything about it.

And we're their shield for God knows how long.

And you finally realized it.

I don't know if anyone can relate. But I just wanted to get this off my chest.

So yea, bai

-TheGodOfAllLinks- Training Journal (no not a Diary, there's a total difference)Where stories live. Discover now