| a doggo biography |

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/\ That's actually my dog in the picture XD
I did this because I got bored, so yeah enjoy.

So my dog likes to play this game called 'catch'
It's a very, very short and easy game to play.

You throw the ball (or any toy)
He catches it.

And runs off.
And that's it, he enjoys it.

My dog also likes to play a game called 'door'
It's where he tries to open and close doors, when he opened it, he peeks through, takes a lap around the room, the exits and shuts the door, he then repeats this till he gets tired.

His nickname is wiggle-butt, cuz well... He practically doesn't have a tail, (if you see it move it's just a little patch of fur on his butt moving) but if he's REALLY excited (which is practically everytime anyone walks through the door that he hasn't seen in a while)
He will do his 'butt-wiggle dance' which is basically him just moving his butt back and forth supper-cute like)

His other nickname is Mr. Fantastic; cuz when he stretches out on the ground he'll extend his legs out, they like appear out of his fluffy behind.
He'll also do something we call 'making Biscuts' he'll basically just pat his paws on the ground. It's the cutest thing ever.

We also call him the divourer of worlds, I think that name speaks for itself;

He's a big brat when it comes to human food.
His favorite human foods include:

Cheese, pizza, crackers, carrots, chicken, and beef;
But he hates bananas.

Cheese is practically his all-time favorite.
If you even open the fridge door, he'll come running.

We can't even say cheese in front of him without him reacting XD
(I'm not lying)

His unique features are his eyebrows.

His black patch on one of his paws.

And of course, his tail.

His name? Blu.

-TheGodOfAllLinks- Training Journal (no not a Diary, there's a total difference)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora