| when someone thinks your a lesbian/guy and hits on you, but your straight |

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Now before I get into this story, I want to say that I don't hate the LGBT community, nor am I a Homophobic.

Ok, now. Let this story commence.

I was at the mall, in the beautiful store known as Gamestop. Waiting for my Sister to get done clothes shopping (I have a Girly girl sister, you know that take forever to shop for outfits and stuff.

Now I've had girls try and hit on me. (Thinking I'm a guy and failing horribly)
I've also had Lesbians hit on me, but I usually say "im not interested" or "im taken" *cough* "by Link" *cough cough*

So just a typical day at da Mall, waiting for my sister. Bought some stuff from Gamestop. Playing on my phone.

Then I hear a "ahem"

I turn around to see a girl.
I take out my earbuds and look at her.

(if you've heard my voice, it's dark AF. And me recovering from a sickness didn't help it be any lighter)

"uhh do you know where the lady's room is?"

(Now before I say anything else, I'm not attractive at all. AND I had a hoodie, Hair tied into a smol ponytail, beanie, and jeans on.)
I point in the direction to where I THINK the restrooms are.

She thanks me and walks in that direction. I keep a eye on her (no not all creepy like)
She walks up to a group of girls, they all start giggling.

Then one of them points at me, the girl from earlier turns around and also looks at me, she then turns away quickly.
Then from what I could see, her friends were what they looked like teasing her playfully.

They walk off, the girl takes one last glance at me before walking with her friends.
She waves at me and smiles.

I just awkwardly wave back, and got back to playing my phone.

Now I was thinking it was nothing and that I would never see her again.

Boy I was wrong-
Not even a hour later I get spotted again.

I was in a different location, still playing on my phone, I got some Anne Ann's pretzels bites.
Once my hunger was satisfied, I got a tap on my shoulder.

I looked back to see the same girl, she had her phone in her hands and was smiling, blushing a bit.


She giggles at my response and looks at a certain spot on my face.
"You have some sauce on your face,"

Now before I could even REACT to her comment; SHE RAISES her HAND up TO my FACE and wipes it off FOR ME.
Of corse if you know me, I have BOUNDARIES.

I just stand there and let her do it like an idiot.

She giggles at my reaction and cups my cheek.

Bro now I've had girls come up to me, but they've NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE.

"You got Snapchat?"

"Umm no"

"Tic Tok?"






I take a step back and wiped my face myself.
"I'm a ghost"

"Not to me, you got a name?"

Now in my mind I was like 'shit shit shit shit shit shit shit, WHY CAN'T I ATTRACT GUYS?!'

"...(my name which is classified goes here)"

"...your a girl?"

"...yeah, got a problem with it?"

"Not a bit"

Now I'm like 'ok so she knows I'm a girl and she probably Bi or Lesbian, and she probably thinks I'm Bi or Lesbian.

So to get out of this awkward situation, I pretended I got a call from my mom and excused myself.

So yeah that happened to me yesterday. :'D

-TheGodOfAllLinks- Training Journal (no not a Diary, there's a total difference)Where stories live. Discover now