| Da Monster Cake Recipe |

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Ok so for my birthday I wanted to make Monster Cake Cupcakes, (if you don't know what that is, you have poor Zelda knowledge)
So I went to da grocery store and got ingredients,
Here's what I got for you peeps who want to make 'em aswell:

Regular Chocolate Cake mix OR brownie mix (this is optional, but I like chocolate and it matches with the cake in the game well. you can add nuts or chocolate chips to make it more realistic)
White Icing or whipped cream (you CAN just get purple & orange icing, but i personality think its not light enough)
Purple & orange food coloring (saw dat coming)
A Cookie cutter (preferably a good sized, round one)
White Fondant (again you can just get purple) you can just use icing, but it won't hold as well as Fondant.

I'm actually excited to make these; (and I'm not the best at baking) but once I do I'll update and show 'em to you.

Oh? Why I know so much about baking but suck at it? Good question.

I watch to much Food Network & Nailed It


Oh yeah I also forgot to mention that I'm gonna post a video of me drawing Link (the Drawing that was mentioned a couple of chapters ago) so yeah once I get that up, I'll be sure to tell ya.


And dats it, Buh-bye

-TheGodOfAllLinks- Training Journal (no not a Diary, there's a total difference)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt