| Ya boi got tagged again |

21 4 22

Ok let's get this over with.
My name is Peter B Parker.
And for the last... 10 years. I've been the one and only Spider-Man.


Ok I'll stop
I got tagged by BoTW_Link_main

1: Do you like someone?
Yes, Linky boi :3 ❤️

2: do they like you back?
I wish 😢

3: middle name?

4: single or taken?
If you call mentally dating link taken, then yes.
Jk, I'm single, and it'll probably stay that way XD

5: girl best friend?
Umm most of my friends are guys my girl best friend has to be...

6: Guy best friend?
This kid named Brian. He's probably my best guy friend.
(even tho he's not much of a gamer)

7: Favorite Otp?
❤️ 🐱🐞Andrinette🐞🐱 ❤️

8: Last person I texted?
Oofie poofie (a group with all my frembs)

9: last song I listened to?
I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons.

10: battery percentage?
Exactly 20%

11: current lock screen?

11: current lock screen?

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Don't judge me-

12: reason I made a Wattpad Account?
My fremb dragged me into getting it-

13: Birthday?
January 30th

14: Tag some peps:


You don't have to do it if you don't want to! :3

-TheGodOfAllLinks- Training Journal (no not a Diary, there's a total difference)Where stories live. Discover now