Halloween (the other half)

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Heyo, people!

(I feel like I'm always apologising...)

Anyway, I'm so sorry I could update sooner! My power went out so I was stuck WITHOUT A COMPUTER FOR MORE THAN THREE MINUTES

the pain is real

So here's the rest of the chapter you've been waiting for! :D

Asami's POV

Iori and I entered the haunted house feeling pretty prepared. I mean, how bad could a high-school prepared haunted house be?

heh heh

The entryway hall wasn't actually all too bad, considering it was made by a whole bunch of hormonal teenagers. There was even a smoke machine! *strokes beard* ...Impressive... 



"This is pretty good," Iori said thoughtfully, gesturing to the walls, which were covered with fake blood. Or maybe real blood...

"Yeah, I know. Pretty impressive for just one class."

We continued walking, silently marvelling at the decorations. They must have cost a fortune! I guess it helps when you've got a rich teenage idol in your class, though I never would have guessed that he would spend any of his precious money on something like this.

Soon, we reached a fork in the hallway. Oh no.

"Should we split up...?" Iori suggested. "That way we can cover more ground." He glanced at my (slightly concerned looking) face. "Well, I suppose we could both go together... Which way—"

"No, I'll be fine!" I said, not wanting to seem needy. "Trust, me, I'll be fine!" I laughed when he gave me a sceptical look. "You go left, I'll go right, kay?"

"Okay... if you say so..." Iori said before heading left. "If you need me, just call, okay?"

"Okay," I said, too afraid of what was to come to let my pride get hurt. "See you soon! I'm pretty sure I'll beat you to Fuuto!" I laughed and ran towards the right hallway. 

"Hey! I'm going to beat you!" Iori called, but I was already gone. 

Invigorated by our new challenge, my fear dissipated. 

Until the jump scare.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HE**!!!" I screamed when a creepy axe murderer-vampire jumped at me. "What'd you have to do that for?!"

"Well, it is a haunted house," the boy said. He pulled off his mask, shaking his dark hair free. "Hey, you're pretty cute."

"Uhh... Thanks?" That was KIND OF random, in my opinion. 

"So," he said, placing a warm hand on my arm. "Can I... help you?" He whispered into my ear.

"Uhh..." I said, really creeped out. If this was some sort of act, then it was definitely working. "You know, I should... uh... probably go..."

Then I sprinted out of there as fast as I could.

"Hey! Wait!" The boy yelled, but I was very SPEEDY. So luckily I managed to outrun him and switch into some random hallway.

He didn't seem to pursue me after that, so I caught my breath in the room. It seemed to have two other people in it. Two girls, actually. One seemed around my age, one around Wataru's age. 

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