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Chapter 22

Yiwah and Beam headed to a nearby restaurant and sat down near one of the windows overlooking the main street. A waitress approached their table to take their orders.

"Beam you look kind of nervous. What did you want to talk to me about earlier on? ... Why? ... you're nervous about the guy Forth?"

''What?", Beam exclaimed, confused.

''So... someone is nervous because of Forth huh?'', Yiwah gave an evil laugh. She had heard a lot about Forth in her former university, so she had a fair idea of who he was. She meeting Forth and speaking with him for the First time today had also given her a different impression. The other thing is that, as a very intelligent mom, who knows her son so well that she had begun to suspect that Forth liked Beam, but Beam was trying his best to run away from him. But she had also sensed that her son might have a soft spot somewhere for that handsome youngman, although his actions spoke otherwise.

The waitress brought their drinks and placed them drinks before them. They began sipping.

''What!? ... How did you know?'' beam protested. "That guy really makes me nervous".

Yiwah flirted with her drink as she explained: ''Well first of all, I am not blind, son... and he is not 'that guy, but a very fine gentleman! Secondly, I can tell that my little Beamie likes him".

As mom giggled happily at the display of her own intelligence and knowledge of her son having feelings towards another guy, her son stared at her with a red and black face. He was shocked, and thought to himself "which part of me has betrayed my innermost feelings to my mom this fast?"

''What!? I don't!'' Beam protested again.

''You sure like to say 'what!' very often these days huh!".

"It's now clear to me why he has been sending me those death glares all day! Did he see you coming out from my room? Or maybe I should look for another place to sleep tonight'', Yiwah said teasingly.

Beam at this point couldn't underestimate Yiwah... He concluded that the title 'mom' clearly befits her. She possesses the instincts of a true mother indeed.

''Well......Yeah.... Yes'' he responded looking down. The waitress brought their food setting it in front of them.

''I think he hates me now...''.

Mom winked at her son. ''So, what's up with you and him? Never knew my Beamie would like a guy''.....

Beam protested. ''It's not that I like him...Yeah well, there's something about him that I can't seem to place my fingers on". Then he lowered his head closer to Yiwah .... "Or perhaps I want to have a onetime taste of his d**k."

Shrugging his shoulders: "Call it curious!''.

''No, I call it like hun! .... you better admit.... will ya?!

"Crushing haaaaaaaaaaard son!"

Beam replied with an "umm!"

Noticing that he had been defeated by his mom, Beam finished his food faster, after which he sipped the remaining juice in front of him. Yiwah did same. They settled their bill and headed out to their car.

One their way back to campus Beam narrated the story about what had happened so far between him and Forth. Yiwah surprisingly burst into fits of laughter when Beam said that Forth wanted to rape him.

''Just because Forth was a lil drunk and tried being lovey-dovey with you doesn't mean he wanted to rape you. Besides, weren't you aware he had feelings for you?".

"Mom! ... Don't tell me you support what he did to me", Beam replied back shamefully. Then he continued to narrate the incidence which took place at the bar to his mom.

"What!.... you retaliated by making a scene at the bar?". Beam gave no reply to this, but continued to talk about Forth seeing him on her balcony and giving him a cold shoulder earlier on in the morning. He said it with such sadness, that made Yiwah giggle at the sudden switch of emotions in her son.

''That's not funny ... he hates me now'', Beam said with a pout.

''I don't think he hates you! I think you should apologise to him about your behaviour, and also about the bar scene, and stop playing hard with him".

They had arrived at the car park of the engineering faculty by now, and mom was about to leave her son.

"I'm sure I'm the one Forth hates by now! ... Cheer up my darling! ...see you soon!"


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Sending you tons of love!!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊

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Love your writer Fox and its wife <3

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