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Chapter 27

Beam and Forth went back inside. Before they knew it, they had joined the rest of the boys in playing their games. Thanks to the combined powers of mom and alcohol a certain Beam opened up to one Forth. The three chatted away for a long time like very close paddies.

Forth was surprised at the turn of events:

"What happened to Beam? ... a few hours ago, we met in the bar and he didn't show any signs of wanting to talk with me, but now things have changed all of a sudden".

Countless number of questions kept popping up in his mind. "Was it because of the alcohol? ... What if he goes back to being distant from me after tonight? ..."

Unable to find an answer he convinced himself that Yiwah had probably worked one of her magic schemes for his sake.

Soon The truth-or-dare game begun.

The bottle was spinned. Unexpectedly its head pointed to Beam who had just joined the circle.

"Truth or dare?"


"What's the most daring thing you have ever done?" This unfortunate question was posed by one the guys to Beam.

.......... "oooooi!", the group of excited young people shouted together. Beam was scratching his head, searching for an answer to this unexpected question.

"I kissed Forth!"

After these words fell out of his mouth, everyone shouted a long oi, after which they clinged their bottles together and drank up. The red face of Forth at this time had become redder from embarrassment. His secret had been revealed. As for Beam, after he realised what he had just said, he felt so ashamed that he wished he could find a place to hide.

"Damn it! I shouldn't have mentioned any name!", Beam cursed in his head.

The bottle was spinned again.

The fact is that when they joined the game circle Forth didn't sit by Beam for fear of not being able to control himself and making the other boys suspicious. However, even as he sat across from Beam, he unconsciously kept staring at him and smiling.

It was quite a company. The game got more exciting, and the young boys continued to play, drink, shout, laugh joyfully. There was neither enemy nor mere acquaintance. They had not become just familiar with themselves, but were getting to know each other more and more.

The bottle is spinned and this time the head pointed to a certain Mr. Forth.

"Truth or dare?"



This time it was Cho's turn to call a dare. The sly fox had already in mind what to do incase it gets to his turn in the game.

"You have 20 seconds to kiss Beam"

"We just want to see you two in action ah!", one of the guys shouted.

"clap ... clap ... clap ..... oooi! ... clap .....", everyone cheered on waiting to witness this rare and unusual action.

After some time of staring on the table in confusion, Forth and Beam as if preplanned lifted up their heads and began to stare into each other's eyes. Then like stream water meandering the rocky paths, Forth slowly moved his head towards Beam, who was staring into his eyes with an expression as if to say "I dare you to do it". Finally, Forth's lips touched Beams. Initially, he was the only one kissing, but within seconds Beam started responding. They got somewhat lost in the kiss as the clapping came to an abrupt end with the others staring in amazement.

Twenty seconds are over. Forth pulled his lips away and looked into Beam's eyes with a pleading, daring and sexy expression on his face. Beam was dumbstruck. Their eyes said "we want more", but they cursed at each other in their heads.

Beam: "Damn it! Did I really kiss him?"

Forth: "Fuck Beam! You are the one .... you are all I need right now"

The fun continued into the night. Then one by one the company of young students began to disperse. Since Beam lived in this dormitory, he only had to walked back to the seventh floor where his room was. However, Forth would have to ride his motorbike back to his dorm in such a highly marinated state.


(Me: Ah! finally I have a good feeling something is about to happen).

Hello guyz!

Thank you all for your patience, and also for reading.

Kindly don't forget to write your comments.

Let's brace ourselves for a shocking spoiler!!! 😊😉😊😊😊

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