seth rollins x reader - oneshot

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based on the lyrics from "prom queen" by beach bunny

"i've been starving myself, carving skin until my bones are showing, teach me how to be okay."

*trigger warning* cutting, suicidal thoughts, and bullying

reader pov

i walk down to the ring to do my promo for the night. i am going to be announcing that i have taken myself out of the women's royal rumble match. hunter said that i can't compete in the match anymore and i don't know why but whatever i'm not going to get in trouble because i didn't listen to him.

i parted the ropes and stepped in the ring, heading to the center. the fans were cheering and the noise was deafening.

"hello new orleans!" i yelled into the fan-filled arena. they responded by cheering loudly.

"tonight i have some news that isn't necessarily good but it needs to be done. as all of you know, i do have some mental health insecurities and i fully support the concept of mental health breaks and mental health days. i've been super stressed lately and i've decided that i need a mental health day to myself to bring me back down to reality. i didn't find out the date of the women's royal rumble until this morning so i, unfortunately, will not be participating or competing in the match tomorrow."

the arena was filled with boos and that was all i heard for the next minute and a half or so.

then seth rollins theme filled the arena and was blasting out of the speakers.

i cringed because seth has always hated me ever since i got moved up to the main roster of raw. i'm not sure why but he despised me from the day i stepped into the performance center.

he stopped at the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand.

"maybe it's just me y/n, but i think you take way too many mental health days." he said with air quotes.

"i don't know what you're talking about, my mental health isn't the greatest right now."

"yeah okay, just because you say that doesn't mean anything. i bet you cut and starve yourself everyday huh?"

that felt like a punch in the gut and a slap in the face.

"you're just weak y/n. pathetic."

i ran out of the ring and ran backstage crying.

i sprinted into my dressing room and locked the door immediately.

i rummaged through my bag until i found a razor blade with tears flowing down my cheeks.

i slowly dragged the blade across my wrists making more cuts further up each arm. it stung but i didn't mind anymore. this is probably the worst it's ever been. i've never cut this deep or made this many cuts.

i begin to feel weaker than i already was considering that i haven't eaten today or most of yesterday.

i started seeing black in my vision and then i felt dizzy and all i saw was black.

seth's pov

i immediately feel terrible for telling y/n those words. i can't believe hunter had me say that shit.

i start heading to her dressing room to apologize and i knock on her door.

no answer.

i knock again.

no answer.

i start to smell this copper smell from her dressing room. i didn't think much of it until i peered under her door to see a puddle of red around her body.

i kicked in her door to see cuts all along her wrists and her arms.

i ran over to her and picked her up bridal style.

"someone help! y/n is dying!"

hunter ran over to me and y/n.

"somebody call 911! now!"

stephanie reached for her phone in her pocket a dialed 911.

"they're on their way."

a couple minutes later, i hear the sirens of an ambulance. the paramedics ran in with a stretcher and i placed her on it.

"can i ride in the ambulance with her?" i asked frantically.

"yes, but everyone else must follow behind." the paramedic said.

15 minutes later

the doctors got y/n into a room and cleaned all her cuts. we are just waiting for the results from the doctor and for her to wake up. the doctor noticed that she was severely underweight.

y/n stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

she saw me asked "what the hell are you doing here?"

"i found you in your dressing room. hunter made me say those things. i didn't want to. please, you have to believe me."

she thought it over and nodded.

the doctor walked in with his clipboard and had the test results in hand.

"hi ms. y/l/n, i am here to explain your test results."

"ok." she said.

"it looks like you are severely underweight and malnourished. when was the last time you ate?"

"i ate yesterday morning. i had half a bagel."

the doctor noted that on his clipboard.

"i am going to go prepare a regiment for you so you can get to a healthy weight. will your husband be discharging you?"

"oh uh, he's not- we're not together." she explained.

"but yes i will go get your discharge papers." i added.

she nodded.

i got up out of my seat and got the papers from the nurses station.

i signed them for y/n and headed back to her room.

"you're discharged."

"thank you."

the doctor came back in the room and handed me her regiment.

"you are to eat at least 2-3 meals a day and continue that for 3-4 months. each meal has to have all the correct nutrients that are listed."

"thank you doctor."

25 minutes later

we were now driving back to the arena. and i have to confess something to y/n.

"i have to tell you something y/n"

"what is it?"

"i like you. like i like like you. i have for a while now."

"....i like you to colby lopez."



"come into my locker room when we get back to the arena? we can discuss things over dinner?"

"i'd really like that lopez."

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