¡sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀᴛɪᴍᴇ - ᴡᴏ¡

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"Hey," Wyatt walks over, a smile on his face. "You okay?"

I nod, humming softly. "Yeah," I say quietly. "I'm fine,"

"Okay," his tone told me that he didn't believe a single word that came out of my mouth just then. "You sure?"

"Mhm," I look back at the script I was reading, the words pooling in front of my eyes.

"'Cause it doesn't look like you're okay," he says, approaching me carefully.

"Wy, I promise I'm totally fine!" I say, a little bit too loudly. He rolls his eyes, giving me a look which said 'bullshit'.

"You're bad at lying. What's wrong?" He presses, nagging me.

Second person POV

"You're stressed. Is that it? It's too hard. Then take a break," he suggests, moving closer.

You shake your head. "I said I'm fine," you grit your teeth. Shut up!

"Wow. You really are bad at ly - " he starts.

"It's too fucking stressful!" You finally choke out. He sighs, taking a seat next to you on the chair.

Wyatt hugs you, pulling you close, and rubs your back, gently stroking your hair.

You sob on him quietly as he holds you near him.

"Babe, you should just tell me. I could've helped you! I act too," he says, groaning at himself.

You shrug. "Youre also working on stuff, though," you point out.

"But you can't keep working until it drives you crazy, babe!" He argues. You sigh and sniff.

"I'm sorry, okay? I forgot to tell you, and it just piled up," you bite your lip, hard.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. I get it. C'mon, let's go take a break," he says. You smile, your tears drying.

"What kind of break?" You said, giving him your try at a cute smile. He laughs softly.

"I'm gonna kick your ass in Mario, that's what," he grins, pushing you off your seat.

"You could never beat me in Mario," you holler, smirking and turning on your Switch, passing him the red controller.

"I know. You have to promise to always tell me stuff, okay?" He says, looking at your eyes.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks for making me feel better, Wy," you smile softly again.

"Oh, come on!" Groans Wyatt loudly. "Seriously? That's not fair," you laugh quietly and smile again. "Rematch!"


Okay, so this ended shortly, lol. It didn't go the way I thought it would but I hope you like it anyways.

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