Singing is fun pt2 (of Dancing is fun)

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Carsons POV (this is mostly songs until the end)

"So how about we go get the instruments from your room while you pick a beat off my phone" I said handing Kenzie my phone "ok most of the stuff is in my closet" she said as we all walked upstairs into her room. When we entered her room we saw Johnny and his friends sitting and talking about god knows what.

"Oh hey can I come down now" he asked "no we wanted to sing a few songs so when you hear the name 'sue me' come down" Brynn said which caused me to roll my eyes "what's up with you two" he asked "the fucking idiot over here kissed her twice" I yelled but not loud enough for Kenzie to hear "you kissed Kenzie so what's the difference" Brynn said "you kissed Mackenzie" Johnny asked turning towards me "the difference is I did make out with her because I knew she had a boyfriend" I said "you kissed my girlfriend" Johnny said getting my attention "to prove a point" I said "you kissed my fucking girlfriend" Johnny said "she kissed me but because I asked her too so it was a mutual thing" I said

"You know what, I'm going to get over it because I technically cheated on her like a month ago" Johnny said "hey guys do you need help" we heard Kenzie yell "no thanks Jacob was being stupid" Brynn yelled "oh ok" she yelled back "anyways. You guys have a weird song selection" the short guy with brown hair said "not to be mean but who are you" Jacob asked confused "we literally met like an hour ago but my name is Zach" he said "oh ok no one asked for you to speak Zach" I said "you kissed Mackenzie Frances Ziegler" Johnny said loudly "look dude get over it. She kissed him because Brynn kissed me because Kenzie was talking about you and I felt lonely" Jacob said getting annoying. Johnny was about to respond buts we heard footsteps coming up the stairs

"You guys have been up here for 10 minutes and Jacob isn't that stupid" Kenzie said opening the door and Johnny pushes his friends into her bathroom "oh I'm sorry we were talking about the song you wrote for Johnny" I said "oh we can sing that is you want" she said "how about we sing that last" I suggested "cool" she said "anyways I'm sorry for kissing Carson, Brynn" she apologized "it's fine I kissed your brother" she said "ok but I can bring the mic and stand down if you guys can bring the rest down" Kenzie said grabbing the mic and stand "also did you even enjoy your kiss with him, I mean I would think it would feel different because she's not a boy" Kenzie asked Jacob "omg Mackenzie, go" he said clearly embarrassed that there are people in her bathroom

As she walks out Johnny opened the door "we should get going" Brynn said grabbing my arm "grab the keyboard Jacob and meet us downstairs" I said "dude which one do I grab" he asked "I don't know she has like 5 just pick one and go" Brynn said "I hate you" he yelled "we love you too" I said. "Wait here I wanna see if he tells them he's bi" Brynn said

Jacob POV
"We love you too" was the last thing I heard before the room fell into an awkward silence "she uses the second one" Johnny said breaking the silence "thanks" I say "shouldn't you know this since you are her brother" Zach asked "I only really see her at school, I live with our dad and she lives with her mom" I explained "If you guys wanna watch you can, the stairs are a one way glass sorta thing" I say walking to the door "but I think they already started so you might be coming in the middle of a song" I said

"Yo Jacob can you get the door" Kenzie said "um yeah but if it's your mom I'm not here" I said as I opened the door to see Maddie "you if it isn't my baby bro" Maddie yelled as she put her "why haven't you moved in with us yet" she asked "dad and the fact that Melissa isn't my mom" I said laughing "blah anyways I just came here to let kalani use the bathroom" she said as kalani walked In and Maddie left

"Oh look it's my babies and baby" she said turning to me at the end "you do realize your older than me, but only by like 2 days" I said getting closer to her "but did that stop you 2 months ago, no" she said shrugging "I need to get to Kenzie but I'll see you later" I say "you are so lucky your 18" she said "why we've been doing this since I was 16" I said backing her into the door "well you didn't know you were bi then" she said "I did but why would I tell you" I said "you still like boys more" she asked "hasn't changed since the 7th grade dont think it will change now" I said laughing

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