The Ending

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3 year later

Johnny POV
"Hey Kenz how much homework have you gotten done" I ask turning to her "like 3 classes" she said not looking up "you know what today is" I ask "a day we need to work" she said "no" I said frowning "Johnny I don't have time for guessing games what's today" she asked pissed "it's our anniversary" I said blandly "what" she asked "3 years ago today we got married, in the court house" I said pissed "omg baby that's not today" she said "I'm pretty sure I know when the 14 of November is" I said "I forgot" she questioned "yes you forgot about the day that you and me skipped school to marry each other" I say rudely

"How about we go out tonight then" she said getting up "no it's fine, like you said we have work" I said standing up "I should get back to it. I'm going out" I said putting on my shoes "where are you going" she asked "I don't know yet" I said being completely honest "John don't be like that" she said moving closer to me "I get it. We don't need to make big deals out of these things anymore, we are older now we have a daughter to take care of" I said shrugging and walking out the door.

Kenzie POV
I've been really stressed lately, me and Johnny have been fighting and I'm scared he's going to cheat on me again. We attend college but online and it's 10 times harder with a 3 year old. She is super smart she is really good at math and science like Johnny and I. "Mommy is daddy mad" Emmy asked walking down the stairs "no he just needs to take a break" I said smiling "is he leaving" she asks coming over to me " no not forever" I said "do you wanna go somewhere with me" I ask her "where" she asks wrapping her tiny hands in my bigger ones "just drive around" I said "yes please" she said smiling

Me and Johnny have been talking about teaching Emmy how to skateboard. We wanted her to do some gender neutral things so she can get a feel of what she likes. Once we arrive at the skatepark I see that it is empty which is great because we need as much space as possible. "Daddy used to do this" Emmy says "yeah, he bought me this a few years ago" I said. Did I forgot to mention we moved back to LA a year ago "so this is all yours" she asked "yup. I did sone pretty cool things here" I said running to the entrance.

"Ok do you start off with one foot here and the other on the ground" I said "what if I fall" she asks "then you fall it's ok" I say shrugging "I wish daddy could see" she said "well daddy isn't here" I yell at her "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell" I said "ok can I go now" she asks "go ahead have fun with it" I said letting her go. About 30 minutes later I get a weather report saying there is going to be a storm in about an hour "Emmy. Time to go home, it's going to rain" I said "oh ok. Daddy is going to be home right" she asked "I hope so" I said grabbing her hand.

When we get home we eat some pizza take showers and sleep. Emmy decided to sleep in my bed together.

Johnny POV
I know I exaggerated with Kenzie but anniversaries were our thing when we were in high school and just because we are older and have a child doesn't mean that has to change. When I left I just drive around the city and stopped by a few places to get presents for Kenzie and Emmy. Kenzie is pretty hard to shot for considering she hates gifts and attention and Emmy likes anything pink.

On my way home I got stopped in traffic and one thing led to another and it was 7:30 and I still wasn't home. I knew Kenzie would be pissed but I was hoping the chocolate wouldn't melt by the time I get there. When I arrive home I see all the lights turned off so I just assume they are sleeping. "Kenz" I y'all opening the door. I don't hear her but I do hear tiny footsteps coming out my room "hi daddy" I heard a person say as I see a tiny head pop out from the door frame "hi em. wheres mommy" I say softly "she wasn't too happy so she went to sleep" she said "why wasn't mommy happy" I asked "you made her mad" she said "oh ok" I said pulling out gifts "I got you this" I said hading her a pink bear and a box of pink marshmallows "can I eat some" she asked "yeah" I said pushing her into my room

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