So he sings

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Johnny POV
It's the next month and me and Kenzie decided to go see our friends but we had a little surprise for them. I ended up going to that part and let's just say I got really drunk and remember nothing. We decided that this was our last day of school because Kenzie has been getting really tired, we made no friends in our time here because we didn't want anyone but us. Kenzie has 3 months left of pregnancy so you can imagine how moody she has been.

7:30 am
"Kenz it's time to wake up" I said "I really don't wanna go" she said "it's our last day, make it count" I said "only if we sit outside for lunch" she said opening one eye "whatever you want" I say chuckling "do you think they will be happy to see us" she asked "Kenz they definitely have missed you most" I said going to our closet "I'm scared that they won't be happy" she said walking over to me "do you wanna tell them about the marriage" I asked "no. This is the one thing that's ours, let's keep it that way and maybe one day we can tell them" she said hugging me from behind "ok well we have to leave in 30 so let's get going" I said picking out matching sweatshirts. Mine says Kenzie and hers says Johnny.

As we get to school we y'all about our surprise fit our friends and the even bigger surprise for Carson and Brynn. Once we pull into school everyone's eyes were on Kenzie's belly but since she only wears comfy clothes you can barely tell anything is there unless you lift up her shirt. Many people have been trying to see if they can tell which I find funny because they all look dumb.

"Soooo what time is our flight tonight" she said grabbing my hand "um like 10" I said "are you sure because I'm not missing my flight again" she said "ok it was one time let it go" I said rolling my eyes "I had to stay the night in a crusty airport" she said "anyways, I was wondering where you wanna have the baby" I ask knowing we aren't supposed to be talking about this at school "I want it here" she said "really" I ask "this is our fresh start let's start here" she said "you want a Canadian baby, I can get on board with that" I said smiling "your Canadian, so you should be all for a foreign children" she explained

"Children" I questioned "I mean- never mind I don't know what I'm talking about" she said letting go of my hand "I should get going to class" she said "Kenz" I said "no I'm thinking too far into the future we have to make it through one kid first" she said clearly sad "I'll see you in class Orlando" she said walking away "Kenz I'm sorry" I yelled which got students attention.

When I make it to my locker I see a whole bunch of people standing around it and there is a video playing of me. And it's not just any video it's a video of me talking about Kenzie.

Don't you have a girlfriend

I mean yeah but she can't go anywhere


She's pregnant and tbh I didn't even want the baby

Is that why you guys moved here

Yeah, I didn't want people talking about me

Mmmm I get that

Then it cuts off and when the crowd leaves I can see Kenzie just standing there watching it over and over again, I can feel the negative energy surrounding her and I'm scared. Once she watches it about 30 times she slams the laptop and kicks it away. Once she turns around she looks at me she just walks away with tears in her eyes and I wanted to walk after her but I knew that it wouldn't end well

It is now time for science and km dreading it because I sit with Kenzie and she's clearly pissed off. Walking down the hall I get many glares especially from girls and I feel even more shitty than I already did. As I walk into class I see Kenzie in her phone. "Hi Mackenzie" I said quietly "hi Johnny" she said coldly "I- I'm so so-" she cut me off with a laugh "Johnny I told you that you don't have to be here and you don't want to and I'm not mad, I'm just sad you told me this after I married you ass" she said still looking at her phone "I do want this Kenz" I said "don't ever call me that again" she said looking at me in the eyes and that means she's serious

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