Ch: 12 Bad start

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Reader's p.o.v.

As the sun filtered threw the window and rested on the sleeping boys face the rest of UA was waking up and starting their Sunday. Bakugou shifted, feeling the sun on his eyelids. He opened his eyes and took in the sun light. He felt someone shuffle and groan, Turning he watched as his boyfriend turned his body away from the sun and under the covers. Bakugou smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. 

"Good morning Babe~" He whispered. Todoroki turned his head,

"Morning" He mumbled drifting back to sleep. Bakugou smiled and got up, grabbing a jacket from Todoroki's closet. 

"Babe, I'm going to go and make breakfast. Come down when your ready." He got a grumble in response. Smiling Bakugou opened the door and made his way to the elevator. As he walked in and reached to press the button he heard someone shout. 

"AH! Bakugou! Hold the door please!" Looking up he saw Jirou rushing up. (I want to add more characters and I thought that Jirou and Bakugou would be good friends) Bakugou quickly put his foot in the way. As Jirou stepped in she turned,

"Thank you Bakugou,. . ." Her voice lingered as though something was on her mind.

"What?" He barked. A smile slowly creeped onto her face,

"So... You were at Todoroki'kun's last night~" Her eyes darted to the one of the many marks on his neck. Bakugou's face burned and he pulled the hoodie up, in an tempt to cover the marks. Jirou smiled and stepped out of  the elevator. Bakugou followed shortly after. As Bakugou stepped inside the kitchen he saw Kirishima and Deku kissing.

". . . Ewwwwww. Can you two get a room?" He said shoving Deku off the counter and opening a cupboard. Kirishima glared at Bakugou and helped Deku up leaving the ash blonde alone. Bakugou set his cup down and turned to the fridge. As he opened it he found that they 

1# had no milk

2# the fridge was practically empty

"Fucking hell. . ." He grumbled as he walked over to the elevator and pressed floor one. (his outfit is a XXL hoodie,<Todo's> semi short shorts, and his sneakers) When the elevator opened he stepped out and made his way to the doors.

~Time skip to the store~

Bakugou's p.o.v.

Lets see I need some milk, eggs, bacon, cereal, and I think i'll get some chips as well. . . I examined the wall of food. Oh! I'm in the wrong part of the store. I slapped myself in the face and made my way to the right section. As I passed each section I scanned the walls when. . . Wait. . . is that. The figure turned and I saw shining blue eyes, purple skin and fluffy black hair. He smiled and walked away. I followed him, I know it wasn't the right thing to do, but he. . . He could hurt someone. Wait. . . Where did he go!? I looked around confused when I heard the bell from the store door ring (idk what it's called, sorry) and I watched his back leave my vision. I ran out the store's door and looked around. There! I saw him pull his hood up and turn the corner.  I rushed across the street just barely missing a car. I ran to the ally way that he entered and paused. . . where did he go? I swerved my head around looking for him. 

"Stupid. . . It probably wasn't even him-" 

"Thump" I turned and saw 2 figures blocking the way to the street. The first was. . . Dabi, I growled. For once I was right and I don't think I'm happy about it.

"So Fire hands~ and . . . Blood Bitch-" 

"Oh come on! I thought you would be happy to see us!" The blood bitch said pushing her bottom lip out. I growled how was I going to get out of this. 

"So... What do you fuckers want this time?" I asked buying myself time to look for and escape rout,

"Oh you know~ Just checking on our little escapy!~" That bitch said in a cooing tone. Fire hands started to step forward I threw my hand out,

"Don't. Move. I'm not afraid to blow you to bits!" I shouted Fire hands stepped back and Blood Bitch giggled.

"Aww~ Someone's not playing our game right~" A cold, dry hand wrapped itself around my neck. 4 fingers... My eyes grew wide,

"Tomura Shigaraki. . ." I could feel him shake as he laughed.

"Hello little Bakugou~ Causing trouble again I see~" I growled. I started to pull my other hand around to try and set a small explosion on him, but Fire hands stopped me.

"Ah, ah, ah~ Bakugou, you wouldn't want to do that." I glared at him.

"And why's that?" I said my hand still posed. Suddenly a portal appeared next to me,

"Because you wouldn't want your precious Shotou getting hurt? Would you?" Toga asked. My heart stopped, he's lying. Their all lying! They don't know that I care for Shotou! 

"Don't believe us? Look for yourself~" Tomura walked me close enough to look in and see Twice placed right above my sleeping Shotou a knife resting perfectly above his neck. I could feel tears well up in my eye as Shotou shuffled and curled up, hugging my pillow. 

"*sigh* Ok. . . I'll go with you. Just don't lay a fucking finger on him!" Tomura chuckled and pulled me threw into another portal that I hadn't realized opened up behind us. 

~To be Continued 


Ummm. . . So I don't know if this is good, but oh well! Also I need feedback. Should I write a Valentine's day special? 

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