Izuku's Info & Story beginning...

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So...as you can see from the picture above...that is what he will look like, basically more of a dark green emerald/black hair...will still have emerald eyes and freckles, plus pale skin as well...

His quirks are the following

Strong Regeneration~ he will be able to heal himself fastly and as if he was never injured to begin with and can even heal others if he chooses to...

Superhuman~ his senses are higher than the normal human being and so is his speed and reaction time...basically if he wants to then others will just see him as a green and black blur...

Element Control~ in simple he can control all elements such as fire, wind, ice/snow, water, earth, and anything he can think of that is a element

Quirk Manifest~ he can make up any quirk he wants and use it as well as copy anyone elses quirk with one look

Telekinesis(from Inko/Mom)~ can float anything he looks at if he decides to, which could be people, objects, anything really except the ground unless its broken to were he can

Immortality~ the user can not die unless he really and truly wants to, but every time he is killed, he will come back to life instantly if he does not want to die

quirk erasure(from Aizawa/Dad)~ it is like his dads in a way, he can erase any quirk until he chooses to give it back, but he doesn't have to keep looking at the person, he just has to look once or touch them once but snap his fingers to give it back

That is all the quirks i could think of but will add more if i can think of any that he would want or have manifest, but onto the story i guess?...


Izuku's pov(4 years old)

I was in a dream of finally meeting my idol All Might...but suddenly i see a young man behind him and he comes up and say hello to us...i smile at him and he smiles back...then he says something shocking to me..."one day son we will meet again...i don't know when but we will...i promise...and yes I'm the guy your mommy keeps talking about ok, and don't trust your step-father, and please...please Izu...stay safe for me and Inko ok..." the man said softly with a look between worried and caring...i went up to him and hugged him "i promise i will keep mommy and me safe...i hope i meet you soon dad..." i said while hugging him and then let go and gave him a big smile while tears gathered in my eyes...he smiled softly at me

(This is what he looks like in the dream right now

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(This is what he looks like in the dream right now...just surprisingly less tired...)

"See you later Izu" he said softly and then suddenly i woke up to my alarm clock of All Might going off saying "WAKE UP YOUNG HERO...IT IS TIME TO START THE DAY!!!" i yawned and turned it off...i realized it was 7a.m. and the doctor appointment was in two hours at 9.a.m....i smiled brightly and then got up and got dressed into a black long sleeved shirt and black track pants i also put on my red sneakers and grabbed my All Might action figure and walked out of my room closing my door and skipped excitedly to my parents room...

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