Middle school...

652 17 8

Izuku's pov(15 years old)

I sighed softly while being tapped on gently and told to wake up...i looked up and noticed it was dad who was waking me up "good morning sleepy head" he said softly while smiling at me...i nodded and he walked out and closed the door as i got out of bed and started getting dressed into my black school uniform...i then continued to do my morning things such as brushing my teeth and trying to tame my hair which still doesn't work...then i put my red sneakers on that looks like the ones i had since childhood and then went down and ate breakfast with dad and afterwords said our goodbyes and he left for work at U.A. high school and i left to my middle school...

it was 7:40a.m. when i got there and i was the first one in and sat down at my seat in the very back and by the window like i did when i was younger...10 minutes later Kacchan came in...he's been with me through it all and never left...he then came and sat down in front of me and we began talking about our quirks and what we would do after getting out of this hell of a school after today...

after awhile the class filled up and the sound in the classroom became annoying...i sighed and looked to Kacchan..."what's wrong Izu...the noise getting to much again?..." Kacchan asked worriedly and i nodded he sighed...then the door opened and the teacher came in finally and the class got quiet...'thank you whoever just saved my hearing and me from a headache or from strangling a classmate...'

Suddenly the teacher then looked at us and i noticed he was holding a stack of papers "so today we will be talking about your future...but...I know you all want to be hero's RIGHT!!" he yelled while throwing the papers up and as they scattered around all the students started showing off their quirks except me and Kacchan...and this annoyed Kacchan...

"Hey teach don't lump me and Izu in with these losers...they wouldn't stand a chance against us and we're the only ones who are actually good enough to get into any school such as U.A." he shouted and suddenly there were snickers and laughs heard from our classmates..."right...you and Izuku signed up for U.A. high school correct?..." the teacher asked..."yes we did and Kacchan honestly is right" i said aloud since I've been training with my dad since i was 4 i know how to use any weapon or object i can and even mastered my quirks beyond what is considered normal since i explained to him in person and in dream since we have connected dreams often...

I then heard the laughs get louder and then the bell ringed signaling end of school, i packed up my things and walked calmly out the door and out of school with Kacchan...soon we were under a bridge and i noticed something felt off...i looked around and saw a blackish greenish slime going out from a sewer drain...the slime person looked at us and smirked..."well at least i found two good meat bags to use...because if one escapes i can use the other" they said while smirking at us and coming closer...i then thought of a quirk i wanted to use...i decided on using superhuman and felt my senses get higher and i saw everything slower so i looked for a way to defeat the slime...

I noticed the only solid thing was his eyes so i attacked that and then used my strength to end up somehow knocking him out and found two, two liter coke bottles and had Kacchan help me quickly get the slime person into them...then i softly sighed but suddenly i sensed someone behind us..."DON'T BE AFRAID FOR I AM HE-..." i heard someone shout from behind us but suddenly cut themselves off...i turned around and wow oh wow...its All fucking Might...yea not to thrilled with seeing him after what happened a year ago when i was 14...


I was under a bridge trying to get home and it was right after school...Kacchan was with me and we were talking about heros and our quirks like always...suddenly my superhuman quirk activated and i sensed someone was in trouble...i ran to the source with Kacchan following...it was a boy with lavander hair who looked like ive seen him from somewere before...i then noticed three boys surrounding him and they were hurting him and i noticed a skeleton figure in the shadows looking on with pity...i realized it was All Might...he wasn't even trying to help the boy...i ran to the boys and hit them hard on the backs of their necks to knock them out using superhuman to help...it worked...then i walked up to the boy and asked if he was ok...he nodded and asked who i and the ash blonde was...

Izuku-Bunny The Vigilante...(Discontinued...)Where stories live. Discover now