Bunny gets caught...

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Izuku's pov(18 years old)

So its been about 3 or 4 years since i faked my death and became Bunny the vigilante...i stopped alot of crimes...and turned in alot of real criminals and even managed to lower suicide, rape, kidnapping rates...i visit dad, Kacchan and also moms grave often...plus every chance i get i also meet up with Toshi, I'm also surprisingly widely known and most people think of me as a idol and their hero...others want to turn me in for a reward they don't deserve...i even had to out run the flaming shit, Present Mic, Midnight, Death Arms, and All fucking Might...not my dad tho because he knows and just puts up an act of never seeing me but if he's with one of the other hero's he has to give chase to catch me...and he's even told me he wanted to be the one to take me in if it came to it...

I sighed as i was jumping roof to roof looking for anything out of the normal and suddenly superhuman kicked in and i sensed someone coming fast behind me i turned and saw the flaming shit and smirked...he launched an attack of flames at me but suddenly as it hit me and started to burn my top half...i realized i didn't feel anything and i also realized i had a new quirk called repel(repel is when the user can not feel pain or anything inflicted on them but whoever they look at with their quirk activated feels it instead) i then smirk again which pissed him off...plus i was now in my black tank top showing off my slightly toned upper half and my black jogging pants and red sneakers with my black mask on my face to cover the bottom half...

Plus i had my hair up in a messy bun as i looked over myself to see if there would be anything else missing or burned i noticed it was only my black hoodie 'good thing i thought something bad was going to happen today or else i would have lost my favorite hoodie that mom got me back when I was four when I was into over sized hoodies' i thought and then looked up at him and glared in annoyance while he finally smirked...

I sighed "at least now i understand why Dabi~kun hates you, you flaming shit" i hissed out which pissed him off but i could tell that he was also confused "and why would i care what that villain scum thinks of me you villain trash" he hissed out and then i smirked "oh i don't know...wait yea i do actually...meaning how you a shitty father pushed his son to much to the point he ran away and joined a family of villains that treated him with so much more love and care than you ever have you shithead!! and for the record i'm a damn vigilante not villain" i yelled out at him...

I then managed to activate repel as soon as he shot more flames at me and as soon as the flames hit i heard a crash and looked down to see my tank top gone and then looked up to see him against a brick wall with a flaming dent in it...'looks like karma found him and why the hell does he keep going for the chest dammit!!' "well it was fun while it lasted...wait...no...no it was not but Bunny out" i hissed out and jumped roof to roof until i was far away and sure i wasn't followed by him and then heard some noise and ran to it quickly to see a male with long blonde hair in a ponytail and light yellow eyes being robbed...he looks like someone i've met the last few times I've seen dad...speaking of dad he was right in front of me trying to keep the male and a boy around my age behind him...i then realized it was Pres Mic and Toshi(Shinsuo/Shin~kun/Toshi) i then hissed in annoyance and jumped down knocking the guy to the ground and out of it as well...

I then got up and let dad take care of the guy and grabbed the plushie of dad that was on the ground then looked up "is this one of yours" i asked softly and mic nodded and came up to me and i gave it to him and he hugged it tightly as if it would be taken again "my husband just got it today for me to keep and hold for when he's gone to work" mic said softly tearing up i then nodded and looked to the 3 of them "so you three are ok right, nothing hurt or anything?" i asked and they nodded that they were ok...

I smiled and nodded "well it was nice seeing you three again and Mic you better not hurt him or else i will end you" i said smiling innocently to mic "Bunny out" I said then as i was fixing to jump away i was caught by dads scarf that i didn't know he had until now..."shit" is all i said and then looked back to him "you want me to turn myself in finally don't you dad?" i asked him and he nodded "it's getting to dangerous for you and Nezu has decided to let you and your friends Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki join a rehab for villains and vigilantes to test if it will work if you and them agree that is" he said and i sighed and said "you have to include Kurogiri" he nodded and then i said ok and called Dabi to let him know and told him i would be there soon with my dad, Pres Mic, and Toshi...

Izuku-Bunny The Vigilante...(Discontinued...)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat