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The snow softly fell onto the ground as people were gathered in the big backyard of the number one and number two heroes. Everyone was dressed in kimonos and yukatas, the girl's and Izuku's mother Inko were crying, Iida, Aoyama were also crying Eijirou did shed a few tears as this was such a beautiful wedding beside him was his fiancé Katsuki Bakugou who had his normal scowl on his face as he hated that they were outside in the cold. Music started and everyone looked over and saw the bride walking down the isle, Toshinori AKA All Might was walking Izuku Midoriya; dressed in a beautiful shiromuku with the wataboshi on his head down the isle, Izuku had asked Toshinori to give him away as his dad since his real one wasn't there, the symbol of peace was touched that his student wanting him to give him away he shed a few tears cause of that. Toshinori hands Izuku to the person at the alter Wolf Rain; a beautiful woman with pixie hair, one amber eye, the other grey color showing she was blind in that eye grey wolf ears and tail that was wagging like crazy at the sight of her future husband, she was dressed in a montsuki haori hakama her family crest was a wolf head showing on her sleeves, the back below the neck and two on the chest she takes Izuku's hand" you look very beautiful Izu-Kun" Izuku blushes. The Japanese wedding proceeded Wolf and Izuku knelt down in front of the priest as he begins the sankon no gi a ritual which strengths the couple's bond, the priest handed Wolf the first saké cup called the ichi no sakazuki which symbolized the heavens and showing appreciation to their ancestors. Wolf took the first few sips and then Izuku with his own cup, the second cup represented the earth and the couple's vow to care for each other as long as they live, another woman with a gold mini pot came up to the couple and filled Wolf's cup then she took three sips, Izuku's was filled and he took three sips. Then they had their third cup that represented people and prays for the couple's fertility. The two stood up and bowed to the shrine of the Japanese gods the two then exchanged their wedding bands, the ceremony ends with the shinzoku katame no sakazuki, Wolf and Izuku poured saké into the attendees cups to celebrate two families coming together Inko smiled, raised her cup" omedeto gozaimasu! (congratulations!)" everyone repeated her and took sips. It was a perfect ceremony for the two.

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