Bleak Falls Barrow

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"I'll introduce you to Farengar. He can be a bit...difficult. Mages. You know," Balgruuf walks alongside me to wherever his court wizard resides. 

"Yes, I know very well," I recall Marco and Neloth. Marco is sweet enough but when he gets into his mage headspace, I know it's best to just leave him be. Neloth is, absolutely, a menace. I'm amazed he hasn't used me for some kind of experiment before. 

"Farengar is probably puttering around in his lab. Day and night. I'm not sure he ever sleeps," Balgruuf continues. 

I follow the Jarl from his throne to a room by the side of the great hall. I feel the eyes of the Jarl's housecarl, Irileth, not leaving me once. 

"Mages," I shrug. 

Farengar's lab seems decently stocked and equipped, but it still doesn't compare to the wonders of the mushroom towers of Tel Mithryn. I used to spend hours staring at the mushrooms in wonder while I waited for Marco to be done with learning from Neloth. The few times I was allowed inside the laboratory had been wonderful, albeit terrifying. 

"Farengar, I think I've found someone who can help you with your dragon project!" Balgruuf greets his harrowed-looking wizard who is bent over some scrolls. "Go ahead and fill her in with all the details," Balgruuf says encouragingly. 

Farengar looks at me and the disapproval is written all over his face. "So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there,"

My eyes light up. Finally! This is something right up my alley. 

"All right. Where am I going and what am I fetching?" I ask eagerly. 

"Straight to the point, eh? No need for tedious hows and whys. I like that. Leave those details to your betters, am I right?" Farengar smirks. He has a very nasally tone and smug way of speaking. 

My mouth falls open. "Excuse me? And who would you suggest are my 'betters'? What do you know?  What does an ancient stone have to do with dragons?"

Farengar scowls at me and I hear Balgruuf snicker. "Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker - perhaps even a scholar?" Balgruuf pats me on the back. I feel an anger stirring inside me, with these men looking down on me condescendingly. 

Farengar makes an indignant sound. "You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossibilities! But I, ah, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow - a 'Dragonstone,' said to contain a map of dragon burial sites,"

"I guess that's the thing I'm after," I fold my arms and thank my lucky stars that Bleak Falls Barrow is close to Riverwood, which is close to Whiterun. Skyrim is a lot bigger than Solstheim and I don't have the means to traverse over long distances quickly just yet.  

"Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet - no doubt interred in the main chamber - and bring it to me. Simplicity itself," Farengar nods. 

"This is a priority now," Balgruuf informs Farengar. "Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons. We need it quickly...before it's too late,"

"Of course, Jarl Balgruuf. You seem to have found me an able assistant. I'm sure she will prove most useful," Farengar looks pleased with himself. I'm beginning to wonder what I'm getting myself into. 

Balgruuf looks me in the eye again. These Nords and their eye contact is going to freak me out. "Succeed at this," he tells me. "And you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt,"

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