A Blade in the Dark

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Delphine and I do not see eye-to-eye. Which is the polite way of telling it. I had been so excited to see another Breton Skyrim, but she has been a complete letdown thus far. I hope there are more manageable Bretons that I can come across in this country. 

"What's the part you're not telling me?" I call her out. There is definitely more to this. 

Delphine huffs. "Dragons aren't just coming back, they're coming back to life. They weren't gone somewhere for all these years. They were dead, killed off centuries ago by my predecessors. Now something's happening to bring them back to life and I need you to help me stop it,"

"Do you know how crazy this sounds?" I ask her. 

"Ha," Delphine doesn't crack a smile. "A few years ago, I said almost the same thing to a colleague of mine. Well, it turned out he was right and I was wrong,"

I lean back against the wall of her room. "So what makes you think dragons are coming back to life?" I mimic her tone. 

"I know they are," she replies. "I've visited their ancient burial mounds and found them empty. I've figured out where the next one will come back to life. We're going to go there and you're going to kill that dragon. If we succeed, I'll tell you anything you want to know,"

I wrack my brain for snappy responses. Then I decide to play nice. We need to get along, for now. "How did you figure all this out?"

"You should know," Delphine answers. "You got the map for me - the dragonstone. It's a map of ancient dragon burial sites. I've looked at which ones are now empty and the pattern is pretty clear. It seems to be spreading some the southeast, down the Jeralls near Riften. The one at Kynesgrove is next if the pattern holds,"

"I guess we're headed there then," I nod. Great. All the way to Kynesgrove with a woman who I don't like or trust and who doesn't believe I'm Dragonborn. I should just Shout at her. "Let's go kill a dragon," I try to sound enthusiastic. 


Kynesgrove is in a panic. There are townspeople running for their lives in the direction of Windhelm, several trees on fire and a few people are just stood rooted to the ground, frozen in terror.

"No, you don't want to go up there!" a panicked miner grabs my arm. "A dragon...it's attacking!"

"Where's this dragon?" I ask him.

"It flew over the town and landed on the old dragon burial mound," he answers, his eyes wide with fear. "I don't know what it's doing, but I'm not waiting around to find out!" the miner lets go of me and hurries off in the same direction everyone else is fleeing in.

"Divines protect you," I murmur after him. I hear the roar of the dragon and it sounds familiar. Spine-chillingly familiar. "And possibly us," I add as an afterthought.

"Hurry," Delphine charges off in the direction and I sprint to keep up with her. I have no idea how old she is, but she must be getting on a bit, but she can sure run along with the best of them.

When Delphine and I get to the top of the hill and the burial mound, we're greeted by a terrifying sight. The black dragon from Helgen is flying over the burial mound, chanting in some ancient language. It has to be Dovahzuul. As the black dragon chants, a surge of energy rises from the burial mound and the surge of energy is accompanied by dragon bones...which then take the form of a live dragon, alongside the black one.

Shit. Do we have to take them both down?

"Sahloknir, ziil gro dovah ulse! Slen tiid vo!" the black dragon chants. So the dragon being revived must be called Sahloknir.

The Dragonborn Arrives (Skyrim)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ