Dragon Rising

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When I finally get back to Dragonskeep, it's the late afternoon and the clouds in the sky are already beginning to turn pink and orange. I hurry through the halls and make a left turn for Farengar's room - then I notice there's someone else in there who he's talking to.  I can't see her face properly because of a hood she's wearing.

"You see?" Farengar points to a page in a book they're both studying. "The terminology is clearly First Era or even earlier. I'm convinced this is a copy of a much older text. Perhaps dating to just after the Dragon War! If so, I could use this to cross-reference the names with other later texts,"

The woman he's with nods her head. "Good. I'm glad you're making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers,"

Farengar smirks. "Oh, have no fear. The Jarl himself has finally taken an interest, so now I'm able to devote most of my time to research this,"

The woman sighs. "Time is running, Farengar, don't forget. This isn't some theoretical question. Dragons have come back."

Farengar waves a head dismissively. "Yes, yes. Don't worry. Although the chance to see a living dragon up close would be tremendously valuable...now, let me show you something else I found...very intriguing. I think your employers may be interested as well-"

"You have a visitor," the woman Farengar is with is staring me in the face. I immediately notice that she isn't a Nord, but a fellow Breton and my heart skips a beat. Finally. Some kind of familiar face. 

"Hmm?" Farengar looks confused and then notices me. "Ah, yes, the Jarl's protege! Back from Bleak Falls Barrow? You didn't die, it seems,"

"Nope," I shake my head. Then I retrieve the stone from my satchel. "You were looking for this?"

"The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow!" Farengar says gleefully. "Seems you are a cut above the usual brutes the Jarl sends my way,"

"Happy to be of service," I roll my eyes. 

Farengar looks at the Breton woman with joy. "So your information was correct after all. And we have our friend here to thank for recovering it for us."

The Breton woman smiles at me gently. "You went into Bleak Falls Barrow and got that? Nice work," she turns to Farengar. "Just send me a copy when you've deciphered it,"

"So. My reward?" I look at Farengar expectedly. 

"Speak to the Jarl about that," he tells me. 

"Farengar!" I hear Irileth's voice ringing and she bursts into his lab, with a look of terror on her face. "Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby!"

"A dragon?" I gulp. 

"You should come too Skylar," Irileth tells me. 

"A dragon! How exciting!" Farengar's eyes light up. "Where was it seen? What was it doing?"

Irileth scowls at Farengar."I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun, I don't know if we can stop it. Let's go,"

Farengar looks at me and shrugs. The Breton woman doesn't move. Farengar and I follow Irileth up some stairs near the Jarl's throne room and we find ourselves in some kind of war council chamber. A huge map of Skyrim is spread on the table with flag marks on it and the Jarl and his steward are standing around anxiously with some guards.

"So, Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower?" Balgruuf asks a traumatised guard. 

"Yes, my lord," he nods.

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