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"I'm out of here." I rolled my eyes at their dumb excuses for me to stay.

"But Sasuke..!" I sighed.

"How about I make my famous tea blend for you girls to try, in exchange for leaving me alone."

"Or would you not like to try one of my recipes?" I asked, knowing full well I'll just take some tea leaves out of a tea bag, mix them together and call it a day.

They shook their heads vehemently.

"We'll try anything you'll make! See you!" They ran off. I scratched the back of my head.

High school girls were sooo annoying, why did I expect college girls to be any different? I shoved my hands in my pocket and decided to walk a different route to get home, to avoid any more unwanted attention.

I do have a car but the campus isn't that far plus I enjoy the journey. I tend to take nonbusy routes and try to stick with nature routes for both the view and to avoid fangirls.

I came across what seemed to be an odd looking box. Normally I would ignore it but I had this nagging feeling that I had to check the contents. So I humored it. Upon closer expection, it's a plain wooden box that was exposed to the elements.

I looked in, to see an overly skinny lump of fur. It looked somewhat sickly. So I did what any regular man would do when presented with such a situation.

I poked it with a stick.

It shifted by itself, showing that it was in fact, alive. I grimaced as I saw the almost mangled tuft of fur. Just who the fuck would put a poor defenseless animal in the middle of nowhere? I picked up my cell and dialed Sakura's number. She picked up after just two rings.

"Sasuke! I wouldn't expect a call from you, ever. So where's the fire?" She asked sounding almost smug.

"I need a favor." She stayed silent as I felt a twinge of guilt. But someone's gotta put this lump out of its misery.

I found this... animal." I said. Still not entirely sure what it is.
"And I want to put it-" the animal shifted its body to look at me. It's sickly cerulean orbs were firmly trained on me. But I didn't see the weak 'put me out of my misery' look. Instead I saw one of determination.
" -under your care." I found myself saying. I could almost sense her raising her brow.

"You want me... to take a sickly animal under my care?" She asked unconvinced by my uncharacteristic request.


"Alright." She sighed.
"Just bring it into the clinic so that I can give it a proper diagnosis." I paused.

"Thanks." She paused seemingly out of surprise.

"No problem. I'll see you here then." She hung up the phone.

"Alright, now what do I do with you?" I asked the lump. I suppose I do have to find a way to carry it. I looked around the inside of the box and just saw overly dirty, almost hard looking blankets. Yeah, there's no way in hell I'm touching those. I frowned.

I also refuse to touch the lump. I don't know where it's been or what's wrong with it and I'm not a fan of taking chances. I wrinkled my nose as I realized my only option. I took off my sweater and I tried to wrap it around the lump protectively. As I lifted it I noticed the blankets were stuck to it. With my fingertips I tried slowly peeling off the blankets and the lump whimpered.

SasuNaru: My PuppyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant