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"This... this is all my fault." He said. I tilted my head slightly

'What's wrong, Master? Isn't this what you wanted?' I thought as I looked at him

'Please don't cry.' I licked his cheek and felt the salty tears hit my throat.

'I'm sorry I was such a burden... I love you.' I nuzzled his head as the whole world went black.

Nobody's POV

Sasuke cried as he rocked Naruto's animal form. Naruto's eyes had lulled back and Sasuke couldn't even detect any breathing.

"This is all my fault."He murmured as he held Naruto's limp body closer. He felt a twitch on Naruto, whether it be real or a trick of his imagination, he wouldn't know.

"He's not dead! He can't be. I'll just... just take him to the vet and he'll... he'll be okay!" Sasuke put Naruto's furry body down for a second and grabbed a blanket to wrap Naruto up in, trying to ignore the blood that was that started coating it. He carried Naruto as he grabbed his keys and hoping that it wasn't too late to take him to the vet.


Upon arrival Sasuke didn't even turn off his car. He just scooped up Naruto's body and ran in. Sakura was in the front happily chatting it away with a receptionist with long blonde hair, but as soon as she saw Sasuke her face paled. Sasuke had bloodshot eyes, skin paler than usual and he was covered in blood holding a limp animal body.

"Lucky.. he's... he's..." Sasuke stumbled on his words as Sakura scooped up Naruto's body.

"What the hell happened?!"

"People broke in.. he.. he tried to protect me and-

"What happened?!" She asked with more emphasis.

"He was stabbed! M-Maybe twice." Sasuke didn't care to wipe the tears that were now flowing down his all too pale complexion.

"Shit." Sakura said as she felt Naruto's now cold body.

"Go clean yourself up, I'll do everything I can."


"Now!" She nearly yelled as she scurried off.


Sasuke's POV

I stood up in my new shirt. My other one had so much blood, they gave me a free one.

"What happened?! I-Is he..." Sakura looked to the side.

"We had to do surgery and a full blood transfusion. It was a success but he's so weak... he's barely hanging on by a thread."

"Can I see him?" I asked. Sakura nodded and lead the way.

As soon as we got to the room, through the window I saw what reminded me of the lump he was as a puppy.

Some of his fur was matted with red stains. Around where the surgery was done was completely shaved and thick black thread showed where they sewed him back up. His breathing looked extremely shallow and I saw what Sakura meant by barely hanging on. He looks so... weak.

"Can I talk to him... alone?" Sakura nodded solemnly the walked out, shutting the door behind her. I found a seat and pulled it by him as I sat down.

"Hey Naruto." I said softly as I pet his paw.

"I'm... sorry." I choked out.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm sorry I gave you dog food. I'm sorry I never said thank you, I'm sorry I was distant. I'm sorry I pushed you away that day, I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough attention." I drew a shallow breath.

SasuNaru: My PuppyWhere stories live. Discover now