Pain and Loss

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"Move... on? How do I do that?" I asked.

"How about like this?" She asked as she pulled my face into a kiss.

The kiss felt soft and sweet. It didn't feel hungry like it did with Sasuke it felt...

She pulled me closer and I couldn't help but think of all the times she was there for me. How many times she's comforted me and how many times she's called me a good boy or kissed my head. Her hand tangled with my hair as she grabbed fist fulls. I groaned softly as her hand went up to pet my chest and trace every crevice.

"Mmmmf. Naruto~" she moaned. I snapped out of my spell. I slowly pulled away as my face felt flushed.

"I umm..." I said feeling more and more embarrassed by the second.

"I don't think either of us are acting like ourselves right now." I said as my fuzzy brain started clearing.

"Oh." She said fixing her hair.

"Right." She said suddenly looking around

"Have you finished with your food?" She asked. I nodded as she gathered the plates and put them in the dirty dishes.

"So listen" My ears perked up as she continued.

"I think you should stay the night... or at least take a nap before you go home. Just so you sober up a bit. I don't want you trying to find you way home like this." She said. A lot of her words didn't make sense but a nap sounds really nice right now.

"The couch is right there." She said pointing to the couch behind me. I smiled at her.

"Thanks Sakura. You're a real pal."

"Yeah... I get that a lot." She mumbled. I walked towards the couch and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out.


I woke up to the sound of beeping. But not Sasuke's usual alarm beeping. And why don't I smell Sasuke?

I peaked up from the couch and saw Sakura. Upon seeing my face she smiled.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." She said. I just eyed her confused.

"Want some coffee? Fresh out of the pot." I just nodded dumbly at her.

"Why am I at your house..? And why does my head hurt?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" She asked as opened her wooden cabinets and reached up high to get a ceramic mug. I got up and sat on a stool by her counter top. I just shook my head as she poured the coffee into the mug then handed it to me.

"You came over, we hung out, ate, got drunk.. then you passed out." I nodded then grimaced as last night's events decided to bombard my head. What was I thinking? Why did I kiss my vet like that? I felt waves of guilt hit me but I couldn't help but wonder why. Master doesn't care about me like that so I should be able to kiss whoever I want to.

I finished my cup of coffee, not thinking too much about the flavor.

"Now you should hurry home, you don't want to worry Sasuke too much, right?" I gave her a puzzled look.

"Why would Sasuke worry about me?" She rolled her eyes.

"Just go." She said nearly pushing me


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