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        "Come on Grian, you have to come! You haven't been outside of your base for anything except for Sahara meetings. The other Hermits haven't seen you in like a week!" All of the Architechs sat together at their meeting table, Mumbo and Iskall berating Grian about his unwillingness to go to the party.

        "Look, I'm sorry, but I have a lot to do that night." Grian tried to say, but Mumbo interrupted him.

        "You didn't yesterday. You said you were going. What changed?" Mumbo asked carefully, not trying to upset him but still curious.

        "Yeah Grian, what's up? You can tell us." Iskall tried, but Grian shook his head.

        "Look, I just can't go." He backtracked, but they weren't ready to give up that easily. 

        "Well, it's not about whether you can or can't because you're going to." Mumbo decided, and unwilling to fight it, Grian sighed.

        "Fine. I'll go. But I won't stay long." He compromised, and Iskall smiled in accomplishment. 

        "Grian, what do you mean you don't want to leave?" Taurtis looked at him confused as Grian looked down in slight embarrassment.

        "What if something goes wrong? What if it doesn't take us where we think it will? What if we get separated?" He said the last part quieter and Taurtis laughed a bit. 

        "Grian, don't worry. As long as we're together, I don't care where we end up. Plus, I don't think there is anything in the universe capable of splitting us up." The painful memory sent a pang of sadness through Grian's body as he began to take off his armor for the night. He laid in his bed, hoping he would see Taurtis again in his dream, so he could finish his message. Instead, he was met with the sad reality of darkness before the sunlight glazed his eyelids in the morning.

The days went by painfully slow until finally, Grian looked at himself in the mirror, wearing his best red sweater, small watch around his wrist. He looked down at it, calculating he had 2 hours to spare at the party before needing to leave. He took a deep breath, put on his wings, and flew off toward Xisuma's base. The dark spires of prismarine came into view as the sun melted behind him, flashing lights beaming out of the base. He landed, waddled inside, and felt his heart rate pick up. Everyone on the server was there, blissfully happy and joyous. He could see Bdubs and Keralis together talking to Scar in the corner, Cleo and False slightly dancing with each other, swaying and tapping along to the poppy music playing somewhere overhead. Grian made eye contact with Mumbo, who smiled and walked over to him, Iskall and Xisuma followed quietly behind him.

        "Hey! You've finally left the bat-cave!" Mumbo mused as he placed an arm over Grian's shoulder. Grian smiled slightly, genuinely enjoying the presence of his friends with him. 

        "Yeah, where've you been, man?" X added and Grian shrugged.

        "Guess I just got caught up in build planning." He replied happily and sighed in relief. "But it's really nice to be out with you guys again, I've missed seeing everybody." He motioned to the room of carelessly happy hermits, speaking genuinely as he realized how much he had missed his new friends. The party continued a bit more, everyone coming up to Grian and saying some combination of hello and asking where he had been and how nice it was to see him. In the midst of his partying, he looked down to pick up his cup and noticed out of the corner of his eye his watch. He felt his heart tighten and his face get hot. He rolled back his sleeve to make sure he had seen it correctly, his mind catching up to him so rapidly he dropped his cup, alerting a few nearby hermits. 

12:09 am

Christ finally. I don't know why this one took me so damn long, probably because this story is going a lot faster than I want it to and I'm just trying to prolong it's inevitable end. Cause, I'll be honest, I am out of ideas of what to write after this one. I want to keep writing Griangst but I don't know what to write about. Maybe when this is over I'll just make Grian-centered Hermitcraft one-shots. Idk, but for now, thank you for waiting patiently. I know I said shorter chapters would mean more frequent updates, but I just don't think that's doable right now. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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