6 (Final)

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They all heard the coughing, but only Grian registered it. Iskall opened his mouth to speak, but Grian held up his hand to silence him. He scanned the ground around him, searching for any sign of life at all. He followed the sound to the undisturbed ground in front of the large wall adorning his friend's face. He ran to it and began to shovel the dirt out with his hands as his friends watched in confusion. Mumbo ran to his side, not entirely sure what he was doing, but trying to help in any way. Finally, after a few seconds of desperate excavation, the dirt gave way to a hand. It laid flat, and Grian latched onto it the moment he saw it. The hermits watched as the hand gave way to an arm, then to a shoulder, until an entire person was lifted out of the ground.

Taurtis stood there for a moment, looking around and trying to process all of the foreign faces staring at him until finally, he made eye contact with Grian. The second they saw each other, they threw themselves onto one another in a sad, desperate embrace.

"I thought I had lost you forever!" Grian cried, and Taurtis chuckled.

"You can't get rid of me that easy." He mused and Grian sighed in relief. They held each other for a while before Grian stepped back and took a good look at his friend. He looked older but was still Taurtis.

"I thought you could only be brought back on the anniversary night? It's already passed."

"I didn't get to finish my sentence. It wasn't the fact that it was the anniversary night, but the fact that you were surrounded by love. I guess it took you opening up to everyone for the portal to open up." Taurtis concluded and Grian smiled sadly, feeling whole again.

"What's that look for?" Taurtis asked, and Grian couldn't stop smiling. He felt his joyous tears starting again.

"I just... I-" Taurtis laughed and wiped the tear falling down his cheek. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and watched as a man in a suit walk over toward the group of people staring at them. Grian followed his gaze as Taurtis looked back at him.

"Care to introduce me to your new friends?" He asked and Grian laughed.

"Taurtis, this is Hermitcraft. Guys, this is Taurtis."

The months passed by so fast, it had felt only a little while since Taurtis joined Hermitcraft. He was introduced to everyone, helped with starting out, until finally, it was time to transition to season 7. Grian had dreaded it, and Taurtis could tell. It was the night before the portal jump that Taurtis confronted him. Grian was distracting himself with the final touches on his base and hadn't even noticed Taurtis had flown in.

"Grian?" He tried, and Grian spun in surprise.

"Oh, hey. Didn't know you were here." He said quietly, turning his attention back to his block placement.

"Yeah, I just wanted to come see how you were doing."

"What do you mean?" Grian asked, and Taurtis exhaled nervously.

"Well, you know, tomorrow... Last time we-"

"The last time we went through a portal together, we were separated for years?" Grian finished in a huffed tone, and Taurtis stuttered again.

"Y-Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Ok? OK? Taurtis, I'm terrified! I can't be alone again! And this time... this time I might not just lose you! I could lose all of this! All of them!" He motioned to the entirety of the server. "I cant... I just cant-"

"Listen Grian, I get it. I really do. I was alone too. But look at us. Sure, we were separated for a while, but we found our way back to each other. And if something does go wrong this time, we'll do it again. There is nothing in this universe that can keep us apart. I promise you. You won't be alone again. You'll never be alone again." He finished, and Grian looked up at him. He nodded sadly, and Taurtis smiled. "Good, now enough of the sappiness. Got any food?"

I feel that's a good place to end it. I hope you enjoyed it! Though shorter than my usual books, I really enjoyed writing it. Also, I have much more Griangst on my account. Though I doubt many of you haven't already, if you want more sad British boi, read my other series "An Old Friend". Ok, that's it for the self-promotion, thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

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