1 - Silver

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(Y/n) (L/n), born with the rarest features among gifted children. She was the first ever baby to have shiny, glittery, silvery white hair. Each strand would glisten like how a real gem would. Her heterochromatic eyes are composed of red and yellow, with her left eye a dark shade of crimson red and the other somewhat similar to a cat's. It was very easy to confirm that she's a gifted child.

Her parents loved her, not caring about the fact that their child had unusual facial characteristics. Unfortunately, they had to leave too soon. After a terrible accident on their way to the beach, her parents didn't make it. Nonetheless, (y/n) survived the car crash as she was safely secured in her mom and dad's embrace.

The accident traumatized the young girl. She was under so much depression that she didn't eat much, locking herself in her bedroom for days. She almost starved herself to death if it weren't for her grandmother who took her in. It took a long, long while for her to accept the disappearance of her parents. The accident deeply scarred her.

Until she reached puberty, her grandma began her observation. Not a single sign of strange symptoms occurred on the teen, which baffled them. Without any signs of supernatural powers, there won't be any evidence or confirmation for her to be allowed to enroll in Kunugigaoka Academy.

They waited, and waited, and waited. A year had passed and there was still no sign of powers evident. (Y/n) was getting restless and impatient, wondering why she even had silver for a hair and different-colored eyes. How can such a thing be even called normal?

You heave out a sigh, resting your cheek on your palm as you stared into nothingness. Not listening to the teacher as she carry on with her boring lessons, you start doodling in your notebook. Life was too boring, nothing interesting was happening at all. Every single day was the same for you, going to class, listening to boring lessons, not to mention that you had to ignore the piercing gazes of other students. Probably curious as to why you had strange features. Well, you don't have any idea either.

Not long after, the bell rings signaling it was lunch time. Everyone raced towards the door, ignoring the irritated teacher who's now massaging her temples in an attempt to calm herself down. As soon as the classroom was almost empty, you also took your leave. You weren't a fan of crowds after all.

The cafeteria is one of the least places that you go to, due to your dislike of crowds and noisy places. The rooftop was an old friend of yours, so you decided to stay there. With a lazy gait, you start your trip towards the rooftop very slow. Your half lidded eyes was enough to indicate how lethargic you were feeling. As soon as you arrived at the rooftop, you sprawled on the floor to take a nap.

Being powerless made you this listless, you felt utterly useless. Ever since you were just a kid, you often listened to your grandma telling how majestic and enjoyable it is to go to Kunugigaoka Academy. Your grandma got invited there once, since one of the stakeholders was a friend of hers. Unfortunately, your hopeless state as of now is making it impossible for you to go there. It's truly heartbreaking.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you shook your head to clear your mind from any speck of thoughts involving the academy. You eventually fell into deep sleep.

A 3-year old you sat on the couch, your short legs dangling above the floor. You watched your parents with curiosity. Your dad plays some kind of sweet music and the two of them embraced each other. As they part incompletely, they looked at each other with eyes full of love. Somehow, it made you smile and feel all fuzzy inside.

Your mom placed both her hands around the neck of your dad, as he put his hands on both sides of her waist. Then they started moving in a slow pace, synchronizing with the beat of the slow music that was being played.

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