20 - I'm Here

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"I'm not sure if we should trust her..."

"I think so too..."

Those words rang through your mind, causing you to feel even more upset than you already were. You, yourself, are far more confused than they were, not knowing what happened to you during the tournament. You remembered every detail of the occurrence, yet you couldn't bring yourself to understand it. Why did that happen?

After what happened earlier, you felt some sort of energy flowing within you, seeping through your skin that makes you feel as if there's a cold yet gentle breeze hitting you nonstop. Frankly, you never wanted any of this to happen since you, too, were also confused by the sudden swing of things.

The situation from earlier didn't really bother you as much as Karma, Gakushu, and their words that you couldn't get out of your brain. You tried to convince yourself that it's only normal that they would react like that, but their words actually did hurt and it even triggered some unwanted memory. What's worse is that Karma, the person you've trusted most in the academy, also agreed to it.

It only reminded you of your past, wherein everyone treated you like garbage. Because of your strange features, no one dared to approach you and befriend you. Not a single person trusted you, thinking you were dangerous and someone not be interacted with.

During those pathetic years, you've never had a proper conversation with anyone at all. They'd only speak to you if it's necessary and related to class. Only your grandma and female adviser were the ones you could talk to, but that's an entirely different matter when it comes to that. You wanted to at least talk to someone your age.

Transferring in the academy gave you hope. Hope that you would make a huge change and not become what you are in the past. It all went pretty well, considering how you've made friends that didn't mind your appearance. It made you happy, since no one has ever gave you a sweet and friendly smile, talk to you, and even hang out with you.

Unfortunately, you had to overhear the conversation between Karma and Gakushu earlier on your way to the bathroom. Deep inside, you wished you've never even heard any of it since you couldn't bring yourself to feel such negative thoughts towards the males. Unfortunately, you managed to hear their voices that sent a pang through your chest.

"I'm not sure if we should trust--"

As soon as the words echoed through your mind once more, you snapped, shaking your head while covering your ears. "Stop it! Stop it! They're my friends, they're just confused! They didn't mean it!"

Everything around you became a defeaning silence, a ringing sound passing through your ears. Your eyes widened as you felt the energy inside of your spreading and expanding, almost as if it wanted to come out of your skin. Your body felt heavier than usual, your mind hazy by the nerve-wracking emotions that completely filled your brain. It was quite similar to the feeling you felt earlier in the tournament, except that it doesn't really hurt much. It only felt as if you wanted to release your raging emotions.

Then suddenly, your hand throbbed, as if something wants to come out. You clutched it with your other hand, trying to stop it from trembling so much. Then, it starts to glow in a white light, surprising out of your wits.

You tried to calm down, repeating the process of inhaling and exhaling to calm your nerves. You figured that your emotions must've something to do with what's happening right now.

"Calm down, calm down..." You muttered to yourself, shutting your eyes as you heaved out a huge sigh.

Soon enough, your body finally relaxed, along with your shaking hand that also stopped. You were back to normal again, but not entirely normal due to the unknown energy that was still swirling inside of you.

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