11 - Voice

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"I can do this! I can do this! I can't do this." You attempted to cheer yourself up, but in the end, you lost all hope and slumped down on the floor.

It was Saturday and you made plans on learning fighting moves and other stuff that would hopefully try to help you survive the tournament. Since you didn't have enough money to find a trainer, you had to rely on tutorial videos from the internet.

"You know what they say, modern problems require modern solutions." You spoke to no one in particular as you watched the person on the video perform cool yet difficult moves. You winced, groaning as you sprawled on the floor in frustration. "Who am I kidding? I can't even kick that high."

Suddenly, the door clicks open and from the narrow opening, your grandma pokes her head in. "Sorry to interrupt you pumpkin, but I wanted to tell you that I'll be leaving the house for a couple of hours." She tells you, the gentle smile never leaving her face.

You sat up after laying on the floor, fixing your hair as you asked, "Why? Where are you going?"

"It's nothing important, pumpkin. Take care of yourself and watch the house for me, okay? Love ya', bye!" With that said, she left after blowing a kiss towards you. You roll your eyes with a light chuckle, before going back to laying down on the floor. Fixing your dissimilar irises on the ceiling, you started to wander with your thoughts. What am I gonna do now?

Slowly, your eyelids became heavier as each second passed. Only the ticking sound of the clock inside the room was heard, increasing the drowsiness that you were feeling. Before you realized, you were already off to dreamland.

Everything was pitch-black. Your heavy breathing the only thing audible to your ears. Then suddenly, candles started to light up, illuminating the whole place. You realized you were inside a huge empty hall.

"Where am I?" You muttered and tried to find out if there was any other person aside from you. "Hello? Anybody here?"

All of a sudden, you hear a whispering voice. "Fool..."

You flinched from your spot, hands instantly clenching themselves into fists as you prepare yourself from the lurking danger in the shadows. Then you started to realized how familiar the voice was, leading you to your last dream.

It was when you were dancing with your parents and they suddenly disappear. At the end of the dream, a whispering voice was heard telling you that you were nothing.

At the reminiscence of how the voice called you 'nothing', you scowled in anger. There was a laughing sound echoing through the empty hall, irking you more. At least now, you're convinced that the voice was certainly a male due to how it sounded baritone and deep.

"Don't get too cocky now just because you made a few friends. Remember, you still don't have powers which makes you as useless as trash." The voice snickered. You suddenly had a strong urge of wanting to punch the person in the face. Unfortunately, you couldn't even see the owner of the voice.

Suddenly, all the candle lights inside the hall flickered off. Your chest started to pound wildly from fear, as everything in sight went back to pitch-black. There was something in the dark that made you feel uneasy, making your stomach churn. Weird.

The voice started cackling as it hissed, "You'll never defeat...the dark."

With that, you awoke.


The ride to school was pretty much the same, but things are now different ever since you had that weird dream about the whispering voice. You had your guard up all the time, a serious expression covering your whole visage as you pondered over what the voice said.

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