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Saying goodbye was strange, especially since Axl wouldn't even look at me. I really hope nobody heard us in the shower, I would be devastated.

"I took the liberty of packing up all your belongings in Chicago and shipping them to Oklahoma." He said as we drove to the airport.

"What about my bike?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. "It's there too, along with a certain leather riding suit." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Thanks, who knows if I'll ever fit in it after the baby," I said.

"You're going to be stunning." He said.

We just left urgent care where we heard a very faint heartbeat. Lane was ecstatic, and I loved seeing it on his face. He smiled ear to ear and held my hand the entire time. We got our due date and some vitamins. The doctor said flying should be fine for now.

I've flown in a private jet to Florida, so the flying part isn't worrying me. It's all the people and the airport that's making me nervous. It's strange living with fear my whole life, then facing so many people in one place. Lane held my hand and assured me it'll be fine.

He returned his rental car and we got checked in. I was right about all the people, and by the time we got to our gate, I felt like I was suffocating.

"Just breathe." He said and held my hand.

"I don't like this, Lane," I said, and curled up against him as we waited at our gate. He already told them to seat us together and asked if there are open seats not to put anyone near us, but they made no guarantees.

He bought me a cherry slushy drink that was amazing, but it's not like wine to take off the edge. He kept making me engage in conversation so I wouldn't think too much, but it was still scary. The plane was filled with people, although we did get to sit together.

He did call his dad to tell him he's on his way home. I'm not sure he knows about me because he's worried his dad will get too excited. That worried me too, because maybe he won't like me. He said his dad will love me, but he has to explain how he's already married with a baby on the way when he hasn't even been home yet. He called a friend of his and talked about stopping there first and going to see his dad alone. His father is in poor health and he's surprised finding out Lane is still alive didn't give him a heart attack already.

We finally landed, but it felt like forever getting our bags and rental car. I could see the concern on his face. Neither of us expected this trip to affect me the way it did, and he decided to get a hotel and call it an early night. He's worried my stress isn't just hurting me, but the baby too.

He apologized over and over for the traumatic experience, but I told him it's something I'm going to have to get used to and that it's okay. I hope with time my fears will ease. He held me that night and I slept safely in his arms. I know now that I don't just love him, but I need him. What would I have done without him? I have to be stronger if I'm going to survive this world.

I woke not feeling so great. I didn't get sick, but felt shaky and weak. Lane ordered some breakfast after I requested nothing with grease. The thought of it turned my stomach, so he got me muffins and fruit.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked as he rubbed my shoulders. I'm still sitting at our small table and he's behind me.

"Yeah, the food helped," I said.

"We have a long drive today, do you want me to rent the room a few more days until you're feeling better?" He asked, but I don't think it's necessary.

"No, it's going to happen no matter where I'm at and I've gotten lucky so far. I've not had it too bad for weeks now. I'll be fine." I said, and he bent down and kissed my cheek.

"Okay, I'll let my father know we will be there tonight." He said.

"We?" I asked.

"I'm going to call him in a minute. I thought about it, and I think he should meet you tonight. Knowing him, he'll get angry if I didn't bring you. I also might be a little excited to show you off to my family." He said with a little chuckle, then kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He said in my ear before he walked over to get his phone.

"I'll take a shower and give you some privacy," I said, and he gave me a wink and a smile. He woke earlier than me and was already dressed and ready to go. I can see he is really trying to hold himself together. He has a lot to face once we arrive.

From Leather To Lace (A Completed Steamy Romance)Where stories live. Discover now