New York

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John and Rebecca had been home for a week and were trying to get into a routine with the twins. John had gone back to work, so that left Rebecca alone with the boys.

Rebecca was doing laundry while the boys were napping she didn't realize how hard things would be once, John went back to work.

When the boys woke up, she changed them and fed them, then put them in their bouncy chairs. Mason started crying, so Rebecca picked him up and cuddled him.

Rebecca: It's ok Mason don't cry.

Normally Mason would calm down, but today he just wasn't happy. It had been ten minutes, and Mason was still crying, nothing Rebecca did worked.

Rebecca started to wonder what she was doing wrong; she tried rocking him and singing to him; she even tried letting him cry it out.

John; walked through the door, and all he heard was crying he found Rebecca sitting on the living room couch with her head in her hands.

John: Hey, what's wrong?

Rebecca: I think he hates me.

John: Who?

Rebecca: Mason he's been crying for twenty-five minutes, and won't stop everything I do is wrong.

John: He doesn't hate you; he's just having a bad day.

John walked over and picked Mason up, he held him in his arms and rocked him a little before Mason stopped crying.

Rebecca: See, he hates me, I tried that, and he wouldn't stop.

Rebecca went to her bedroom and shut the door.

John set Mason back down in his chair and said hello to Caleb before going and checking on Rebecca.

John, knocked on the door before he entered, Rebecca was sitting on the bed; John walked over and sat down beside her.

John: You're a great mom; they love you trust me.

Rebecca: How can you say that I couldn't get Mason to stop crying you pick him up and he stops crying.

John: Maybe he's just having a bad day why don't you take a break, and relax I'll look after the boys and start dinner ok?

Rebecca: Are you sure?

John: Positive, I'll come and get you when dinner is ready.

Rebecca: Ok, thank you.

John; went back to the living room to check on the boys, then he started to make dinner.

An hour later, dinner was ready; both boys were settled. John went to get Rebecca.

John: Hey, babe, dinner is ready, it's time to wake up.

Rebecca: How long was I asleep?

John: For an hour.

Rebecca: Thank you for watching the boys and making dinner.

John: I would do anything for you. I love you.

Rebecca: I love you too.

John and Rebecca sat together at the table and enjoyed a nice dinner together.

John: I have something I want to show you after dinner.

Rebecca: What is it?

John: I finally finished the boy's room.

After dinner, John and Rebecca cleaned up; then, John showed Rebecca the finished room.

The walls were painted green, and John even put balloons on the wall. He put the rocking chair in the corner, the changing table on one wall, and the cribs on opposite sides. He added a bookshelf and a dresser, the room was perfect.

Rebecca: This is amazing; you did a great job.

John: Thank you, I was thinking we could put the boys in here tonight?

Rebecca: Are you sure they are ready for that.

John: It will be fine, we are right next door plus we have the baby monitor.

Rebecca: Ok, we will give it a try.

Later in the night, Rebecca rolled over and reached for John, but his spot was empty. She looked around the room and didn't see him.

Rebecca got out of bed and walked into the boy's room; John was sound asleep in the rocking chair. Rebecca just smiled and went back to bed.

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