Guest Room

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When the weekend rolled around, John and Rebecca got ready to work on the guest room.

Rebecca's parents would be arriving soon to see the boys. Rebecca was cleaning up the breakfast dishes when the doorbell rang.

John: I got it.

John answered the door and let Rebecca's parents in. Rebecca's parents walked into the family room, where the boys were playing.

Rebecca: Hey babe, make sure you put a tarp down before you paint because if you get paint on the hardwood floor, I will kill you.

John: Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

Tom: What are you painting.

Rebecca: He is painting the guest room then we are going to put all the new furniture in there because his brother is planning to visit soon.

Sherry: We can watch the boys if you want to help John.

Rebecca: Thanks, mom, that would be great.

Tom and Sherry watched the boys while John and Rebecca went to work in the guest room. They painted the walls the pale green color that Rebecca picked out.

They let the walls dry for a few hours, then John and Tom went and put all of the furniture together. Once everything was built, Rebecca told John where she wanted everything in the room.

When the room was finished, Rebecca and John stood in the doorway and looked at all the hard work they had accomplished.

Rebecca: Thank you for doing this, I know how busy you have been with work and the boys and me, but this means a lot to have this finished.

John: You don't have to thank me; I would do anything for you.

Rebecca: Let's go see how my parents are doing with the boys.

They went back to the family room where Caleb and Mason were playing with their toys.

When it got later in the day Rebecca's parents decided it was time to leave they said goodbye to the boys and John and Rebecca.

After her parents left, Rebecca went to start dinner while John was watching the boys. Mason saw a toy he wanted that was out of his reach, so he got on his hands and knees and started to crawl towards it.

John: Babe, come quick, Mason is crawling.

Rebecca ran into the room and saw her son going towards his toy. When he reached the toy, he sat up and looked at Rebecca and smiled.

Rebecca: I'm so proud of you, buddy, good job.

Rebecca picked him up and hugged and kissed him Mason giggled the whole time.

Rebecca passed Mason to John so he could hug him.

After dinner, the boys played for a bit before it was time for bed. After the boys were asleep, John and Rebecca picked up toys and did dishes and make sure everything was clean before going to bed after a very long but happy day.

When they got in bed that night, they cuddled up together and talked about everything that happened.

Rebecca: I can't believe Mason crawled today.

John: See, I told you he just needed a little more time, and he would catch up to Caleb.

Rebecca: I'm just glad he is finally crawling.

John: So am I.

They kissed each other goodnight and went to sleep.

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