Date Night

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When Friday rolled around, John left work early when he walked through the door; he found his family in the living room.

Rebecca: You're home early, everything ok?

John: Everything is fine we have a date tonight, so I wanted to come home early and help get the boys ready for when your parents get here.

Rebecca: You're sweet, thank you.

John: Why don't you go get ready, and I will take over.

Rebecca went to take a shower and get ready for her date with John. When she got out of the shower, she went to the closet to look for something to wear.

John was playing with the twins when he noticed that Caleb needed to be changed, he placed Mason in his chair before picking Caleb up to change him.  

Rebecca pulled out a black dress she wore before she was pregnant.

Rebecca: John, can you help me for a second?

John walked into the room and saw his wife standing in front of the mirror.

Rebecca: Can you zip me up, please.

John placed Caleb on the bed and put pillows on either side of him before helping his wife.

Rebecca: Where is Mason?

John: He's in his bouncy chair I just finished changing Caleb when you called me.

Rebecca: Oh.  

John zipped up his wife's dress, then picked Caleb back up.

John: Look how pretty, mommy is Caleb.

The doorbell went off before Rebecca could reply.

John answered the door and let Rebecca's parents in. John handed Caleb to Rebecca's mom then went to get ready.

John; walked into the bedroom to the ensuite where Rebecca was doing her hair and makeup, he jumped in the shower, then ten minutes later he was getting dressed.

John: Hey babe, which tie should I wear blue or green?

Rebecca: What color shirt are you wearing?

John: I'm not sure all I know is I'm wearing black pants.

Rebecca: Why don't you go with a grey shirt and dark green tie.

John: Sounds good; have you seen my shoes?

Rebecca: They are in the front closet.

John: Perfect.

John and Rebecca finished getting ready; they said goodbye and left the house. John took Rebecca to a nice restaurant for dinner.

Rebecca: This place is beautiful.

John: I'm glad you like it.

The waiter came, and they ordered their food they talked and laughed and just enjoyed being together.

When dinner was over, John took Rebecca's hand and walked her over to the park where he took her for a carriage ride he handed her a single red rose, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Rebecca: This has been the most romantic evening; thank you for all of this.

John: Anything for you, babe.

Rebecca: I miss the boys, can we go home soon?

John: Absolutely.

Once the ride was over, they hopped in a cab and went back home; the boys were sound asleep when they walked through the door.

They thanked her parents for watching the boys then went to change their clothes. John unzipped Rebecca's dress for her so she could change into her PJs.

John changed into his PJs before checking on the boys. Rebecca washed her makeup off she hung up her dress and John's jacket.

John was getting a bottle of water when Rebecca walked into the kitchen. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

Rebecca: I had a great night; thank you for planning this date.

John: You deserve nights out you're with the boy's all-day next date night we will do something fun like bowling or mini-golf.

Rebecca: Sounds fun, why don't you let me plan the next date night.

John: You're on.

They grabbed their bottles of water and went to the living room.

John, put a movie on and they watched it until Rebecca fell asleep on his shoulder, John turned off the movie he picked Rebecca up and carried her to bed.

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