Taking Steps

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When the twins turned ten months old, they started standing up and holding on to furniture. Caleb loved hanging on to the coffee table and walking around it, and Mason loved hanging on to the couch.

John was at work, and Rebecca was in the kitchen getting dinner ready the boys were playing in the family room. Rebecca would check on them then go back to cooking. When she went to check on them, Caleb had let go of the table and was just standing there.

Rebecca watched as Caleb took a step forward then he took another step forward he kept going Rebecca grabbed her phone and took a video so she could show John when he got home.

Rebecca ran into the room and picked Caleb up and kissed his face and told him how proud she was Caleb just giggled and smiled at his mom.

Mason decided he wanted to do what his brother did so he let go of the couch and tried to take a step he took the first step then tried another, but he fell.

Mason landed on his face and started to cry; Rebecca walked over and picked him up and hugged him.

Rebecca: It's ok, Mason, you tried you're ok.

Rebecca set Mason down so he could play with his brother before checking on dinner. The boys were playing with blocks when John come through the door.

John: Hey, babe, I'm home.

Rebecca: Hey, how was your day?

John: My day was busy. How was your day?

Rebecca: My day was also busy we went for a walk in the park went to the grocery store then we came back here and did laundry.

Rebecca: Something else exciting happened today.

John: What happened?

Rebecca: Your son took five steps.

John: Really, that's great.

Rebecca: Yep, I was in the kitchen, and I went to check on them, and Caleb let go of the table and started taking steps.

John: That's awesome did Mason try taking steps too?

Rebecca: He did, he took a step then tried again, but he fell.

John: At least he tried, that's all that matters.

Rebecca: I can't believe how fast they are growing up.

John: I know soon they will be running all over the house.

Rebecca: Don't remind me.

After dinner, Rebecca took the boys into the family room while John did the dishes.John joined his family after he finished in the kitchen.

Caleb wanted to show his dad what he could do, so he let go of the table and took some steps.

Rebecca: Babe, look.

John looked where Rebecca was pointing; he saw his son taking steps away from the table.

John stood up and walked over to Caleb; he sat down in front of him and waited to see if Caleb would walk towards him.

Caleb looked at his dad, then turned and walked the other way.

John: Did you see that?

Rebecca: I did.

Rebecca sat in front of Caleb, and he walked right into her arms.

John: I can't believe he walked to you and not me.

Rebecca: I'm sorry maybe Mason will walk towards you.

Mason stood up and took a few steps toward John, then sat down and giggled.

Rebecca: Just wait, they will be running into your arms in no time.

John: I guess.

Rebecca: They will you'll see. Let's get them ready for bed.

After their bath and pj's John, read a story to them while Rebecca got the bottles ready.

Once the boys were down for the night, they snuggled together on the couch and watched tv.

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