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Before you start reading, I want to thank user86973113 on Wattpad for the idea for this chapter.

The next morning Rebecca woke up and John's spot was still empty, John must have spent all night in the boy's room.

Rebeca got out of bed and walked into the living room she found John feeding the boys.

John: Good morning, how did you sleep?

Rebecca: Great, I missed you, though.

John: Sorry, I thought I was ready for them to sleep in their room.

Rebecca: How did they do?

Rebecca; walked over and said good morning to the boys.

John: They only woke up once.

John followed Rebecca into the kitchen she grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table; John grabbed the eggs and started making breakfast.

Later in the afternoon, Rebecca was taking a shower and getting dressed while John was watching the boys. John took the opportunity to set up his surprise for Rebecca.

John went to his desk drawer and took out the box that was holding the rings he bought for Rebecca. He walked over to the boys and put one ring on each of their fingers.

Rebecca came into the kitchen and grabbed the bottles so they could feed the boys when she walked into the living room she walked over to Caleb she picked him up and noticed he had something on his hand.

Rebecca: What is this?

John: What's wrong?

Rebecca: Why does our son have a diamond ring on his thumb?

John picked up Mason and walked over to her. John took the ring that was on Mason's finger and the one from Caleb and held them between his fingers.

John: When we got married we drew rings on each other I wanted you to have actual rings, so I went out and picked up a wedding band for you I already had the engagement ring I've had it for a while.

Rebecca: You didn't have to do this.

John: I didn't give you the perfect wedding, so I want you to have the perfect ring. John slid both rings onto her finger then leaned in to kiss her.

Rebecca: These are beautiful, John, I love them.

They finished feeding the boys then put them down. Rebecca sat on the couch and looked at the rings on her hand.

Rebecca: I have something for you as well wait right here.

Rebecca walked into the bedroom, opened her top drawer, and grabbed the box that was inside. Rebecca walked into the living room and sat next to John on the couch.

Rebecca: This is for you.

John opened the box and pulled out a ring.

Rebecca: I ordered this for you a few days after we got back I wanted you to have a ring, so I looked at a bunch until I found the perfect one.

John: I love it, it's perfect, thank you.

Rebecca took the ring and slid it onto his finger.

Rebecca: I love you, and I love that you included the boys into your surprise.

John: I figured it would be a cute story we can tell people.

Rebecca: Did you come up with the idea by yourself?

John: A friend at work helped me; she told me it would be a cute idea if the boys were each holding a ring.

Rebecca: I loved it.

The twins started crying, so the moment was interrupted, they got up to tend to them.

Rebecca: Will you be sleeping in the nursery tonight?

John: I will be sleeping with my wife.

Rebecca: Are you sure because you said that last night and then you were gone.

John: I promise I'm ready for them to sleep on their own.

Rebecca: I love you, but we both know you will be back in that chair tonight, watching them sleep.

John: We'll see.

John walked out of the nursery and went to the kitchen; all he could hear was his wife laughing at him.

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