The Light

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(Y/N) pov
Plip plop plip.
The cave that we live in has water dripping from the top and exploding on the ground. I was with my best friend, Ojiro ((tail boi)), despite him being a male he's one of very few who are Omegas. We were always told to never go outside of the cave because a viscous Alpha would come and take advantage of me. I would be more than prepared for the Alpha though, because we have self defense training in our Omega community.
"Ojiro," we eat in the middle of the cave, I plucked a flower that had grew in front of me, "I think... I think I'm gonna leave"
"Huh?" The monkey boi spun his head, "why would you want to leave?"
"I'm just..." I think for a second to find the right words, "... sick and tired of being here and not doing something... new"
"You mean extravagant?"
"Yeah, that's the word!" I pluck my flower
"(Y/N), there's a reason why we are in hiding" Ojiro plucked a flower and started to pluck petals with me
"I know, but... do you at least think that society put there has changed at least?"
"You talking about Alphas, (Y/N)" Ojiro reminded me, "Alphas are horny smelling creatures."
"So?" I say, "we can be like that, too"
I could hear Ojiro choke, "but that's only for a certain amount of time, Alphas instantly get horny just by any scent that pleases them! And plus" he added, "once they know what you smell like there's no way there going to forget the scent" he plucked his last petal on his flower and tossed the bud to the side, "do you really want that?"
I look up to him, I still had my flower in my hand. I set it down on the ground and stood up, "no, I guess not." I hold my hand out to him, "let's go back, I'm done exploring for the day." He grabs my hand and we walk down further in the cave together hand in hand. For centuries, Omegas have been living undercover from the dominate Alphas. Sometimes we make an acception for Betas because their not really as wicked as the Alphas. No one knows how society for the Alphas is and no one will. It is a- I wouldn't call it law, but a rule that says: no matter what Omegas are to not explore the outside world. But why? The more people bring it up I want to do it more, I want to explore, to see things I haven't seen. I want to know the discoveries that I myself haven't discovered. We reach the end of the cave and see the same light that we go into in order to go home. "Ready?" He asks
"Ready" I assured him and jumped in. I was soaking wet and along came Ojiro right next to me, we laughed at each other as we got up and continued walking home. I look behind us to see the waterfall that guarded us, I guess we were lucky that our Omega ancestors found this place. Everything was a gentle vibrant color. So pretty and perfect which I guess is what an omega is or is suppose to be. We eventually made it back to our village where other Omegas lived.
"We're back" I announced and out rushed a greenette that hugged me to death
"(Y/N) you're okay!"
"Yeesh, Izuku I wasn't gone that long" I wheeze as I pat his back, Izuku was another rare male that was an Omega. I mean he was sweet kind and generous, of course he was an Omega! "But you still didn't have to leave, what if an Alpha saw you? Or worse! They smelled you"
I sigh, "Izuku, we have a scent barrier, thoes who step out of the scent barrier will have their scents exposed, and no, I didn't go beyond the barrier"
For me, Izuku was like my best friend that was practically a mother. "I would've come with Yoh if you told me" he then released from the hug
I took a deep breath in, "yeah, I know you would." Society in the Omegas was perfect. Plenty of food, water, people, and life. But maybe it was too perfect. Ever sense I was little I could tell that I was a little off from the other kids. I am what they call: A very open Omega who is into new adventureous and dangerous activities. But the people here like their community just how it is. I want to leave.
I had made my way by myself to the watering hole to take a bath.
"(Y/N)-chan!!!" A light brunette girl waved to me, she was in the watering hole, it had seemed like she had just gotten in, "hurry up! Let's bathe together!"
I nod and hurry. It was perfectly normal for two female Omegas to bathe together, is it was any other gender or species- well, I don't know. ((Sorry if you're a dude))
"So, did you go out to the edge again?" Uraraka asked as she scrubbed her hair.
"Yeah" I say as I wash my skin, when me and Ojiro were in the middle of the cave that is what we call the edge, technically, up until the waterfall is the edge, but oh well.
((Uraraka's an Omega, Deku's an Omega, that only means: THERE IS NO IZUOCHA. UwU sorry, back to the story))
"Say, (Y/N) you're planning to leave this place, right?"
I nod my head, "everything here is just so..."
"Let me guess, perfect?"
"Exactly" i say as I rinse off my skin, "things are always too nice, neat, colorful, and etc. I've grown up with this for too long and it's getting boring" I splash the water.
"Well..." Uraraka gulped, "maybe I could help you..."
My head snapped towards Uraraka, "huh?"
"I may or may not have accidentally discovered a secret exit where our ancestors abandoned..." She avoided eye contact.
"Seriously!?" I exclaim, "and you didn't think to tell me sooner!?"
"SSSHHHHH!!!" She held her finger to her lips, "not so loud!" She whisper yelled
"Oh, yeah, sorry" I whisper along with her, "so where is this secret exit?"
"I'll show you later, but right now we have to get ready for the festival"
My eyes widened, "the festival is today?" I slapped my head
"Yeah,why you think I was taking a bath?" She hopped out and dried off.
The festival was all about how our ancestors were able to escape the Alphas and be able to live freely and in peace still keeping their virginity, well at least most of them.
"Who do you think will be the special Omega this month?" Uraraka asked as I hopped out the water and dried of myself.
"I don't know, its always unexpected." I dry off my hair
"Hmm, I think it'll be Deku!" She giggled
"Huh, no Omega man has gotten the blessing"
"It could happen~" she sang a tune
Whenever this time comes around only two specific Omega will be chosen for a blessing from the crystal light. The crystal light hangs from the little edge of the cliff that we all live under, the crystal will choose who is destined to will lose their virginity. Well, how else do you think we have to reproduce? Even though the festival is about having your virginity only one has to sacrifice themselves. With Omega and Omega together, it's not really a normal pare, but it's what keeps us alive and away from the Alphas.
"Get on your native clothes, (Y/N), I can smell everyone taking the food!" She exclaimed
I put on my grey dress and sheep's clothing around my waist and tie it tight. Along with our native clothing comes along a wolf tooth necklace. "I'm coming hold on"
She dragged me to the living center of our village, and she was right everyone was taking the food. "Rotisserie pork..." I could feel my mouth drool
"Come on!!" She ran and grabbed me along. The day faded and everyone danced around the fire and braided each other's hair.
"My people!" The elder leader of the Omega group, Present Mic ((I'm soo sorry, I don't know his name)), "the time has come"
Everyone gathered around the crystal than hanged above us, awaiting for the crystal to light up. Everyone was silent, some prayed while others comforted each other. Oh boy. Should I be praying to? I thought to myself, suddenly the crystal lit up circling and shining making it's way around the people, this might've gone for about 2 minutes and suddenly... it stopped. It stopped on a (H/C) girl. Wait, it was me.
Uraraka cheered for me along with my other friends that did, I started to glow around them, then the glowing stopped. The crystal lit up again and circled around the people. This time, though, it was longer. The crystal kept on circling and circling, until it shot up into a way were no one was looking we all shot our heads into the direction of where it pointed.
'follow the light, child....' something whispered
The crystal pointed outside of the cave. Everyone was panicking. "Outside!?!?" Someone exclaimed
"Are there more Omegas?"
"What about the Alphas!?!?"
"Our tradition is ruined!!"
Every one was in panic.
I looked upon the cheeky girl who's face was now pale. "Uraraka?"
"I guess we know what's happening now" she looked into my eyes, "your plan is really gonna happen"


??????? pov
For centuries our kind has been suffering. At least that's what they call it. Alphas were in hunt of any kind of Omega or Beta. They always say that Alphas are the dominate horny or whatever stuff we are, but that's only when we're in heat. When we're mutual we're something else, like a different person. For every 50 Alphas only 3 will find Betas and claim them. Omegas? Zero. No one knows where the Omegas went and we all were tired of Betas. Outside there was plenty of food, maybe a little too much of it. And almost everyday everyone would have a fight over which food was theirs, damn just take it and leave. I sit by the fire as the yellow and orange flame dance along to the crackling sounds of firewood. This had always put me in the best mood. "Katsuki" I life my head to see Raccoon eyes ((Mina)), like her she's a rare few who are Alphas and we don't take over our own kind. It's just wrong. "Go away, Pinky." I grab a stick a twiddle with the firewood.
"C'mon! Thing will get better!"
"Says who?"
"Says... Me!" She pointed at herself
I annoyingly sigh and stood up getting ready to pounce away until she quickly grabbed my arm.
"Katsuki, can I... Tell you something?"
"What do yo-" I stop for a moment to see the look in her eyes, they were sending a serious message. I sigh once more, "what is it?"
"I...." She gulped, "I think I found out where the Omegas have been hiding."
"Shishhishshishshsihsjshsjshsj!!!" She hushed me, "you can't tell anyone about this!"
"But after 200 years? Why shouldn't I exclaim?"
She groaned, "ok, listen," she looked from side to side, sniffing the air making sure that the close was clear, "I had only met a cheeky girl who smelled really nice, o wasn't into her or anything like that, but I was just wondering what the smell was and then I found her!"
"And this happened when..?" I raise a brow
"Eh.... Just today" she scratched the back of her neck
"I don't know if I should scream again or kick the shit out of you"
"Eh!? Why would you do that?? I found it!" She defended
"And so?" I tuned, "What about there laws? It's not like there gonna let an Alpha take one Ome-" I stopped talking, a flash of white light hit my skin and I was glowing white.
"K-k-katsuki?!?!?" Raccoon eyes jumped
"The hell?" I felt a weird- I guess you would call it pleasant feeling as I was glowing. 'follow the light, child....' a voice spoke. I got into a fighting position, "who was that?" I sniff the air, but only smell Raccoon eyes and a scent I was not familiar with, why did it smell so... Different?
"Katsuki..." Pinky cautiously made her way back towards me, "what was that?"
"I don't know" I tell her, "but I have a hunch that I'm gonna go on a journey"

((I work super hard on this. I've actually always wanted to make a Alpha and Omega story! But of course, with Alpha and Omega comes.... Lemon 🍋. Oof. Idk why I do this to myself sometimes. any-who, thank you for reading Scent!))

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