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3rd pov
After the reunion of Katsuki and his mother, they were taken into a nice large hut that had 2 seperated rooms. A lady had escorted them to the hut. She was a short elder lady who seemed like she was squinting all the time, "Young Prince, if you would allow me to escort you to the bathing area."
"Bath?" (Y/N)'s ears rung.
"Before every Alpha fight they must be treated like today is there last." Aizawa sat down on a mattress.
Bakugo sighed and stood next to the lady, "Alright"
"Wait," the (h/c) girl pulled Katsuki by the arm and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you"
The crimson eyed boy kissed back, "I know that" and left
(Y/N) sighed and sat next to Aizawa, holding her stomach she began to groan.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?"
"Nnngh... I think it's just the baby moving inside of me..."
Aizawa chuckled, "it'll get better, I hope." He murmured the last part
"Nothing" a little silence past by, "(Y/N) is it okay if I ask you something weird?"
"Huh? Like, how weird is it?"
"Not too weird." Aizawa scratched his head, "I was wondering if I could possible put my hand on your stomach..."
"Huh, of course you can!" You exclaimed, "it's not like you're perverted, and plus you have Present Mic." She grabbed Aizawa's hand and placed it on the spot where he could definitely feel moving.
A silence went by as Aizawa concentrated to feel the baby on the inside. "Amazing..." He whispered
"We don't know what we're gonna call it." (Y/N) laughed, "I'm sure when you and Present Mic are reunited you both'll make a child of your own" ((okay, so, like, I know it's impossible for boys to have children but just go with it!!!))
He nodded his head, "I plan to do so."
"Also, just take it extra hard on him, okay?"
"E-eh?? Why?" Aizawa's eyes widened
"Because after all the years of him putting us through combat training it was put to no use"
Aizawa laughed a bit and pulled back his hand from the pregnant women. "I don't know." He grinned

Meanwhile those two were enjoying their time together, Katsuki was taking a bath in a bathtub that was 20 feet wide and long and it was all just for him! He looked around in the bathing area, "isn't this a bit much?" He thought to himself. He cupped the water it was a nice pale green, but not like the icky green ((Kind of like green tea, but a lighter color)). He dropped the water and glides his hand across his skin, "how long has it been since I've taken a bath? 10 months?" He thought again as he felt how smooth his skin was. He eventually got done and got out, looking into the reflection of the mirror he saw just how bright his hair was. "Damn, I'm practically the sun" he got his clothes back in and out the door he went only to be greeted by the same old lady.
"Young Prince, you and your travelers await for you at the dining hall"
He leaned on his hip "Lead the way"
Soon enough Katsuki came through the door and saw a long table that had many fruits, breads, desserts, and meats on the table. "This is gonna be a lot of carbs" he thought as he found his wife and sat next to her. She had already had her plate filled with unreasonable amounts of meat.
"Seriously, Honey?"
"What? I'm pregnant, I can do what I want" she retorted
Bakugo laughed knowing the (h/c)'s mood swings.
The whole group ate at the table in silence, mainly because Mitsuki was there at the dining table with them. From a stolen child to a over conquering powerful mother, things just wouldn't seem right.
"So, (Y/N), is it?" Mitsuki broke the silence, "what do you intend to name the baby?"
(Y/N) spat out some food, she almost choked, actually. "H-huh?"
"Well, you don't expect to not be asked this kind of question, I mean just look at your stomach blooming with it's beautiful pregnancy" she pointed out.
"If your trying to ask what we're going to name it we don't know yet" Katsuki took a bite of food, "until the baby is born we can finally choose its name."
Aizawa just sat back and ate like this was a family documentary enjoying he drama. "I see" Mitsuki smiled, finishing her plate, she stood up and left the dining hall. "I look forward to fighting you, Katsuki"
(Y/N) gulped, Mitsuki had sounded so nice yet brutal at the same time... She didn't really intend to kill her son, right?

Mitsuki's pov
I left the dining room and sigh, not only have I been worrying about my Cub ((her baby which would be Katsuki)) he doesn't want to talk to me... This isn't how I predicted my future. I go to my room and try to find my Cubs little clothes, his blanket, his little rattle before he was taken from me. Its hard to believe that such a small creature like him had grown up to be a man. I find his little blanket made of buffalo skin, it was indeed soft, but slightly itchy. I sigh, 'i have to fight my only child...' I hug the blanket and set it down. I then walked over to a basket that was filled with paint. It was about time to paint myself anyways.

(Y/N)'s pov
"Uh... Katsuki?"
"Why are you painted?" I look at all of the stripes and hands all over his upper body
"It's fighting paint, (Y/N)" Aizawa claimed, "it's a symbol of letting people know we take things seriously" I observe the paint on Katsuki once more. Two layers of red paint that layed under his eyes, down his nose was white paint, on his body were two red hands on his chest, along with 3 lines on his sides, while yellow, orange, blue, and white had a design that traveled down his back to his abs. "Very cultural..." I murmur underneath my breath, I suddenly felt a weird pain in my stomach. I hunch forward at the sudden pain
"(Y/N), you alright?" Katsuki came to my side
"Y-yeah, I'm ok" I start to breath heavy, why am I feeling like this?
"Everyone" the same short old lady that escorted Katsuki came into the room, "I shall now take you to the battling arena"

~'|•le time skip to the arena•|'~

Katsuki's pov
I was now in the pit with my Mother. Their was of course a crowd that was watching us, but they were all silent, or at least murmuring.
"Is it him?"
"The lost prince?"
"Has he come home?"
"Why is he fighting?"
I could hear everything, and boy did it fucking suck. A judge announcer came and cleared his throat, "we fight today to make a decision upon our new future, Katsuki, our long lost Prince is fighting for the right of Alphas and Omegas to be together, they shall either fight to the death or until one retreats."

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