Chapter 33

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Utterly condemned, Daniea's fighting spirit abated once she was ruthlessly tossed down into the deep rocky void. Jamie's fate forthwith sealed as the grate's enormous lock clicked shut above the entrance. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the rain began to trickle down into the thieves hole.

"Food fer the witch!" Hollered a man from up above, tossing down half a loaf of stale bread. She knew it was no good to yell and scream, there was no one that could help her. And if she was being honest with herself, since she couldn't save Jamie, she didn't truly want to live anymore. The bitter cold of the chamber attempted to envelope her but grief that she felt with her entire being had already settled in. And as the moon travelled along its path in the night sky, she sank to the ground uncaring of what fate had in store for her.

Sunlight barely kissed the top of the pit as she awoke to the chant outside.

"They're going to burn the witch! They're going to burn the witch!"

It was starting.

"Fraser! Get a move on." A man called, lowering a ladder into the top of the hole. Daniea sluggishly climbed just to be grasped hard and pulled to her feet. The mob crowding around her, drawing nearer with every breath.


"Make Way!"

The men shouted and pushed her through the mass towards the courtroom.

"Witch! Witch! Burn her!" They cheered as she passed.

"Make way fer the accused!"

"Burn the witch!!!" They all yelled as she was shoved to the podium before the examiners.

"Stating in evidence," One of the magistrates began, "One Daniea Jane Branna Fraser, standing before the church's court for the crime of witchcraft. Who did inflict pain, suffering and death upon the citizens of Cranesmuir by her practice of the unholy arts."

The crowd murmured in hushed tones all around but she didn't so much as look up from her seat.

"Make way, make way!" A familiar voice sounded as they rushed through the door.

"Please, I demand to be let in to the proceedings."

"And ye are sir?" The examiner questioned.

"My name is Edward Gowan yer honor. Lawyer and former writer to the signet, Edinburgh."

"Let him pass."

Ned made his way forth, trying to give Daniea his best smile but she didn't even care to look up.

"And what brings ye here sir?"

"Yer honors, as we're all aware, the witchcraft act of 1563 was repealed by the house of lords in 1735...I therefore submit that this entire trial is illegal."

Daniea snickered at Ned's words.

"This is an ad hoc proceeding under the administration of the church." The examiner corrected.

"Oh, well then I see that we have dispensed with British law, which pleases me greatly, but I am certain that ye will not wish to dispense with our proud Scottish legal tradition." Ned began, his argument ever growing. "We are still in Scotland, are we not?"
"No one's disputing that Mr. Gowan."

"Yes, well, here in Scotland, an accused witch is entitled to a defense lawyer at trial, a benefit... a benefit sadly not offered to those in merry old England... as I therefore would like to offer my services in support of the accused."

"Oh very well, take yer place." They agreed, simply to get him to hush up.

"Let us now summon the first witness, Anna MacCloud."

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